I'm curious to hear especially from devs and those who have a working knowledge of this. One of the main reasons I've been using Android over iOS these past few years is because of the Google Voice integration. Well I'm switching back to an iPhone and was pleasantly surprised reading up on Callkit and the ability to integrate VOIP stuff into the OS.
But we all know what major slackers Google have been in terms of updating and managing Google Voice. So I'm curious if you guys think that will Google Voice have any increased functionality with callkit in iOS 10 without Google doing anything at all? Or does Google really need to rewrite the app? At this point I highly doubt they will do anything.
I'd be curious about both the Google Voice app and Hangouts, and I guess all their other stuff like Allo.
But we all know what major slackers Google have been in terms of updating and managing Google Voice. So I'm curious if you guys think that will Google Voice have any increased functionality with callkit in iOS 10 without Google doing anything at all? Or does Google really need to rewrite the app? At this point I highly doubt they will do anything.
I'd be curious about both the Google Voice app and Hangouts, and I guess all their other stuff like Allo.