All good points. I think people sometimes get swept up by the rumour mill which cultivates the idea that everything's getting updated, and soon, despite common sense and historical evidence to the contrary. This delusion is evidenced by the sincere, angry cries of "Why are you doing this Apple?!".....in a comments thread following a completely unsubstantiated analysts report that never ultimately comes to pass and has zero connection with Apple.
Upgrades on Apple stuff can be haphazard sometimes and aren't completely regular, but when they aren't regular, the upgrade cycle tends to be
longer not shorter.
With the exception of the iPad 4, nearly all non-regular upgrade cycles have been longer eg iPhone 4S, the supposed 5SE, Mac Pro, Mac Mini, Apple TV. The laptop and iMac line gets spec bumps occasionally, but big bumps & redesigns are few and far between and often constrained by Intel (Skylake etc) and other factors.
Honestly, if I was after an iPad Pro I'd just buy it, although probably wise to wait for the coming announcement in case the new 9.7" does something that really turns your head.
To be clear, I don't own and have no interest in an iPad Pro.