hi i bought my macbook 13 inch 2.0 core 2 duo one's about 4 month before they refreshed the line and expanded the ram and slapped pro behind it. now am hearing about the whole snow leopard not running in 64 bit at boot up on the macbooks. i know that the chip is design for 64 bit os'es and i know that the hack with 6 and the 4 key won't work on my computer. but am wondering if the macbook line will ever be able to run mac os x in 64 bit. i mean isn't 4 gb or ram the minimum you need . i know that's how it was on window 7 to run it in 64 bit. i was just thinking now i know why they upgraded the macbook line right before snow leopard. one thing i have noticed is that all the apps that are wrote for 64 bit load much quicker then 32 bit apps.so that got me thinking if apple will ever let snow leopard or above run in 64-bit on the non pro macbook? and if it could be done though an upgrade though software update or though the operating system ? what are you guys/girls thoughts on it?