Apologies if this comes across as a dumb question - I know there are lots of variables at play when it comes to WiFi speeds.
Would getting a more modern iMac or MacBook (my current iMac is late 2013) make much difference to my WiFi speeds? I usually run an ethernet cable into my machine for consistency of speeds on Zoom, but would rather use WiFi. However, when I do so, even just three metres from what is a modern, efficient router, I seem to get lagging on some video calls (which are necessary for my jobs).
Any advice would be appreciated
Would getting a more modern iMac or MacBook (my current iMac is late 2013) make much difference to my WiFi speeds? I usually run an ethernet cable into my machine for consistency of speeds on Zoom, but would rather use WiFi. However, when I do so, even just three metres from what is a modern, efficient router, I seem to get lagging on some video calls (which are necessary for my jobs).
Any advice would be appreciated