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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jan 31, 2014
I know this sounds stupid, but I was just wondering....

will some kind of internet browser app for ATV4 be useful?
not a full-blown browser, but perhaps something simple
and optimized for TV viewing? There are times that I
simply don't want to use a smartphone or laptop to look
up something simple.
I'm not a developer so don't quote me but I did read somewhere that it's currently not an option. The resources aren't available to the developers to get this done. I could be wrong on that though.

In theory it's possible if Apple allows it. I have a Jailbroken Apple TV 2 with the "Couch Surfer" app. It's a web browser for Apple TV. It is however, the worst app I've ever used. Its glitchy and slow and almost useless.
From the little we know about this, is that Apple went out of their way to create a new TVML markup language to replace HTML, and TVJS to replace javascript. An app has to convert from HTML to TVML for instance if they want to display a sort of webpage (unless they implement the full HTML rendering system themselves). It seems like Apple may specifically want to prevent generic web content to be displayed on ATV4, but that remains to be seen. I'd be curious for a browser app to be submitted to Apple, and see if it gets rejected.
Many websites, javascript and other languages are downloaded and executed.

From what I understand, Apple does not allow remote retrieval of code and execution. Thats why Chrome, and any other browser on iOS is just a wrapper around Safari.

If Apple blocks uiwebview and safariviewcontroller... Nothing app developers can do.
If Apple blocks uiwebview and safariviewcontroller... Nothing app developers can do.

Yup, by removing uiwebview from tvOS and adding support for the new TVML view, it's a very strong indication they don't want the web to show in there... for the time being.
From what I understand, Apple does not allow remote retrieval of code and execution. Thats why Chrome, and any other browser on iOS is just a wrapper around Safari.

That's just iOS, right? Is the Chrome browser on my Macbook Pro also just a wrapper around Safari?
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I would be shocked if some sort of Safari browser doesn't make it on there. It's not great for everything, but I'm guessing something like the iPad version of Safari would allow some usage. Maybe even better would be Apple News if the format ever gets released.
ATV is gimped without iWork, browser and keyboard support. It really would be the ultimate base desktop computer.
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Loving the ATV4 Browser.
Whilst in development, it is great to be able to free the shackles placed on by Apple, and use the ATV4 as a web browsing device :D


Which icon is the ATV4 Browser? That's really cool! Without Bluetooth keyboard support, how does one type words into the ATV4 Browser?

I already returned my ATV4... perhaps I should give it another try? :)
I can't imagine ever finding it more convenient to use a browser, or anything else resembling desktop productivity, on my TV than on my phone or computer.
I would find it more convenient to plug into a monitor and use a browser, trackpad and keyboard than Airplay from phone or Ipad with touch interface.
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