No, if someone with an iPhone 8 can go into iMessage and also go into their watches’s very easy to compare the size/resolution of text side by side.
It’s a pretty close match with my 8 Plus...just seeing if someone else with a 326 PPI iPhone could also give it a look to compare it.
I once compared very closely an iPhone 7 to 7 Plus display. I have really insane vision as long as things are held in the range where I can see them without my glasses. Then I notice everything that seems to escape most people I know.
What I noticed is greater fine detail in photographs. Which is also what I see when I compared my XS Max display to my Samsung S9+, which has the highest ppi of any phone I’ve ever owned. So there will probably be a slight loss of details in photos compared to what you’re used to. If my comparison of a 7 to 7 Plus display can translate to what we will see out of the Xr. And I don’t know that it will.
With text, there’s just a tiny bit more graininess. Very tiny. Most people seem unable to see it. Even people like me who can see it, usually don’t have a problem with it.
I sent my Max back. I had to. PWM on it was causing me problems. I’m really excited to be preordering an Xr. I don’t think I’ll notice the loss in ppi, once I have the phone in hand and just use go about using it. I would only really be cognizant of the decreased ppi when comparing it to the display on my other phones, which include an 8 Plus that I am keeping and a Galaxy S9+. Which is a comparison I’m not going to spend more than a moment doing. And that’s just to satisfy my curiosity. Not to bemoan the difference.
No, I am using it to make calls and do my stuff. Even looking at photos and videos on it, I expect that they’re going to look nice.
When my friend shows me photos on her iPhone 6, I don’t go “Oh my God, my eyes my eyes! I can’t see the whiskers on the cats as sharply as I can on my Samsung!” No, I see a cat with whiskers and smile.
I think all of the new iPhones are too danged expensive. But I think the XR is priced okay relative to all the others in the lineup. There are benefits I’m looking forward to and trade offs I’m willing to accept and yeah for a couple hundred less out of my pocket I’ll get a less detailed display than I had on the Max.
I’m also expecting to have better battery life. Maybe even a few surprise benefits I don’t anticipate. And a being a realistic adult, I expect a couple of drawbacks, too.
I won’t know until I try it.
Would I have liked to have had the same display ppi as on an 8 Plus? Sure. But I would imagine there was a reason besides bean counting that they did not go that route. I guess I’ll find out. If I hate it I can always return it. My remaining 8 Plus hasn’t gone extinct yet.
If you’re on some kind of plan that makes it difficult to return and get a different phone then be patient and wait for them to be in stores where you can see them. If the ppi bothers you, by all means pass it up. It’s possible it will bother you. But that’s impossible to predict.
Some mighty strange things have bothered me about some Apple products. Same as with other people. We all have our quirks.
Good luck on whatever you decide!