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Daniel Kearns

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Oct 20, 2020

So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

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So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

I doubt it, sounds like the watch is not for you based on you saying you have a hard time find a use case for the one you have
Given your usage of a S5 I doubt an Ultra would change anything.

IMHO one of the greatest benefits of an Apple Watch is that you get to leave your phone behind as you move around the house, around your property, go for a run or ride, take a walk in the neighborhood, walk the dog, etc. You get all the benefits of alerts, ability to set reminders using Siri (I’m always thinking of to do items when out with the dog), control HomeKit stuff, messaging, see who’s calling, yada yada yada. Even with your phone, watch let’s you see a lot of this at a glance without taking the phone out of your pocket.

So if you’re still not realizing any of these benefits with your S5, it’s improbable that’ll change with an Ultra

(and that’s okay, AW isn’t for everyone)
if your current series 5 has not convinced you of a stronger usage case for wearing the watch, the ultra will not convince you either.

for me, i bought the watch because of its fitness monitoring capabilities and the freedom that the cellar Watch provides.
but soon i found out that the Watch has became my favourite apple device. i dont want to spend a day or even an hour without it. WatchOS 10 has given even more incentive and ability to focus on various information throughout the day.

if in the future an iPhone isn't needed to configure a Watch, i can see i could easily be doing all of my work and life with just a Watch + iPad (no MacBook or iPhone).
Thanks guys for your inputs so far. The thing I question the most I guess is if the bigger screen will be a game changer for me, as the screen size of the S5 is I would say 60% the reason why I stray away from using it.
Could you describe what aspects of the S5 screen size are problematic For you? If the issue is text sizes, that’s adjustable on all watches though doesn’t apply to everything

I’ve just moved from S6 to S9 and the screen increase is barely noticeable - and from what I’ve seen of S8 vs Ultra it’s also very incremental.

you could also just buy an ultra from Apple and try it for a few days, returning it if it isn’t satisfactory. Though without any additional info of the reasons you don’t use the S5, I’d say the Ultra likely won’t change that.
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Could you describe what aspects of the S5 screen size are problematic For you? If the issue is text sizes, that’s adjustable on all watches though doesn’t apply to everything

I’ve just moved from S6 to S9 and the screen increase is barely noticeable - and from what I’ve seen of S8 vs Ultra it’s also very incremental.

you could also just buy an ultra from Apple and try it for a few days, returning it if it isn’t satisfactory. Though without any additional info of the reasons you don’t use the S5, I’d say the Ultra likely won’t change that.

Mainly finding it difficult to reply to messages or type on the S5 screen. For example, I wouldn’t leave the house just wearing my watch as I know if I get a message, I’ll still need to pull my phone out as replying on the smaller screen is frustrating.
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Okay, yeah I get that one. Siri would usually be okay for me for simple replies but nothing complex.

Beginning with S7 Apple added a “keyboard” which should help with that. Exists on every model since, so it’d be on an Ultra
I just upgraded my Series 4 yesterday to an Ultra 2. It actually feels better than the 4. Its pretty light and I actually think it doesn't feel that much bigger. I love reading the notifications and texts on it. The night mode (red light) is pretty cool as well. Its nice to look at the information on a bigger screen. I want to try and go on some hikes to use the compass/waypoint function! I won't be diving anytime soon but its nice to know that I'm able to.
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Thanks guys for your inputs so far. The thing I question the most I guess is if the bigger screen will be a game changer for me, as the screen size of the S5 is I would say 60% the reason why I stray away from using it.
The Ultra is in fact a lot easier to read than the regular Apple watch. When I tried the original Ultra last year, I spent a lot of time reading News on it, whereas on the regular watch, I'm not even tempted to try. That said, is the difference enough to convince you to use the watch? Hard to say. My main use for the watch is fitness tracking, and if the previous watch didn't get you hooked on that aspect, I doubt the Ultra would, either. Maybe you might find the Ultra good enough for calls/texts/emails that you can leave your iPhone behind. Are you interested in that kind of use? If so, buy one and give it a try, it's the only way to know if it fills your needs.
Mainly finding it difficult to reply to messages or type on the S5 screen. For example, I wouldn’t leave the house just wearing my watch as I know if I get a message, I’ll still need to pull my phone out as replying on the smaller screen is frustrating.

Why you don’t use dictation to reply?
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So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

Short answer NO!
I have series 5 ceramic, series 8 nike and Ultra 1. Either I wear the watch or I don't. It's really as simple as that. In regards to battery life, They all are fine for everyday use. Plenty of opportunities to charge the watch, sitting at a desk, while sleeping or showering, in a car, at home on the couch and so on.
I'd say go to a store and strap one on. Get the feel of it for a few minutes then trust your instincts. It just may not be your thing and you will feel it or not!!

So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

Absolutely yes! I went from a standard Apple Watch to the Ultra. The battery life alone completely changed the way I use the watch. Also, the flat screen is simply a different experience. I highly recommend a used AWU 1 on Craigslist. I just sold mine for $460 like new in box with all original accessories. Battery was still at 100% life after one year. Someone got a fantastic deal getting a mint AWU 1 for that price. No sales tax. That’s about the same price as a new standard watch with sales tax.
So here is my take, I work from home and workout early in the morning before logging on. I may venture to Planet Fitness some mornings or just walk my dog around the neighborhood. Before the Ultra 1 came out I was like you. I was barely using my watch at all. Matter of fact I would leave it on the charges for days at a time just leave it on my dresser. However, the Ultra1 made me use my watch more due to the screen size and battery life. I was never one to wear a watch to bed but I did. Fast forward to the new AWU2 which I just bought...just because. I have gone places without my phone and used my watch only. It makes texting and sending voice notes easier and making phone calls from it on the larger screen is a blessing. I can definitely say that having the larger Ultra1/2 has made me use my watch more.
The only time I take mine off is to shower and charge it. It’s on me all the time. I don’t think I could live without it at this point.

So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

I have a few nice real watches. I end up wearing it mostly for aesthetics with a suit at work. They’re mostly in their winding cases. I hardly glance at them on my wrist because the new muscle memory for that is looking at your phone. Tried the early Moto 360, galaxy and Apple Watches. Unless there’s a specific use that really simplifies your life you’ll stop using it and it’ll just remind you every year that it’s getting more and more outdated laying there and you’ll never wear it cause if you did you’d buy the new thing. Don’t bother.
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I have a few nice real watches. I end up wearing it mostly for aesthetics with a suit at work. They’re mostly in their winding cases. I hardly glance at them on my wrist because the new muscle memory for that is looking at your phone. Tried the early Moto 360, galaxy and Apple Watches. Unless there’s a specific use that really simplifies your life you’ll stop using it and it’ll just remind you every year that it’s getting more and more outdated laying there and you’ll never wear it cause if you did you’d buy the new thing. Don’t bother.

It sounds like you'd be better served with just a bracelet?
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Thanks guys for your inputs so far. The thing I question the most I guess is if the bigger screen will be a game changer for me, as the screen size of the S5 is I would say 60% the reason why I stray away from using it.
I find myself using my watch SO much more after going from a Series 5 to Ultra 2. I will say that I have been a regular wearer since day 1 of the first gen apple watch, but i found myself opting to use my phone to reply to texts and change my music etc. but with the ultra 2, I'm handling a lot of these tasks on the watch more often.
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So here’s my situation. I currently have a Series 5 SS 44mm. I find myself using it now and again, although can go days/weeks without putting it on. Main reasons for this are I always have my iPhone with me and find it difficult to find specific use cases that specifically make me want to wear the watch daily.

Lately I’ve been increasingly interested in the Ultra. Battery life seems amazing, and the larger screen is definitely nice. I went to see one at the Apple Store today and really liked it.

My question is, will getting an Ultra change my mind on Apple Watches in general and make me want to wear it everyday? I think the bigger screen will be a game changer but wanted to get some second opinions.

No! I went the same thinking. I had AW7 and almost did not use it. I have bought Ultra 2, it is great but it is still the same experience and after one week I do not care about using them or not. So I will probably return them next week.

Btw if you want to go without iPhone, you have to pay special price per month to be able to use it.. at least in our country
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