yes, i'm in California! I knew you could do it for car (and jewelry) but never put that together with apple... glad I found this post. that way when we sell ours, if the person wants to pay less money, they'll lose out on the warranty and i'll get some money back for our phones that way!
google is my friend! haha!
looks like about $45 back.... 50% of contract left less 10% as a fee to them...
9. Cancellation
You may cancel this Plan at any time for any reason. If you decide to cancel either call Apple at the telephone number below, or send or fax written notice with your Plan Agreement Number to AppleCare Administration, P.O. Box 149125, Austin, TX 78714-9125, U.S. (fax number 916-405-3973). A copy of the Plan’s original proof of purchase must accompany your notice. Unless local law provides otherwise, if you cancel within thirty (30) days of your Plan’s purchase, or receipt of these Terms and Conditions, whichever occurs later, you will receive a full refund less the value of any service provided under the Plan. If you cancel more than thirty (30) days after your receipt of this Plan, you will receive a pro rata refund of the original purchase price, based on the percentage of unexpired Coverage Period from the Plan’s date of purchase, less (a) a cancellation fee of twenty-five ($25) dollars or ten percent (10%) of the pro-rata amount, whichever is less, and (b) the value of any service provided to you under the Plan. Unless applicable local law provides otherwise, Apple may cancel this Plan for fraud or material misrepresentation. Unless applicable local law provides otherwise, Apple may also cancel this plan if service parts for the Covered Equipment become unavailable, upon thirty (30) days’ prior written notice. If Apple cancels this Plan for the unavailability of service parts, you will receive a pro-rata refund for the Plan’s unexpired term.