If the design doesn't change for iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus then strongly NO. i will not buy it at any cost.iPhone 8. (OLED model). If the iPhone 8 does not appeal to me (Which it likely will), then the 7s it is.
The real question besides which model to choose, is when someone can actually get their hands on the new iPhone 8 given the demand this year.
If the design doesn't change for iPhone 7S and iPhone 7S Plus then strongly NO. i will not buy it at any cost
iPhone 8 or I probably won't be upgrading this year.
This is my position too, it'll depend on how fully featured it is.
To the two people (so far) that voted "There's not going to be a 7S/7S+. There will only be a 7/7+ and an 8" I hope you are correct as that would keep the iPhone 8 pricing more in line with the current top tier.
No headphone jack = no buy
No headphone jack = no buy
not sure at this stage of phone development what could qualify as groundbreaking. i guess new to iphone like screen, wireless charging etc. I guess i'll wait and see.iPhone 8. But only if it's as groundbreaking as the rumours wants us to believe. Already have an iPhone 7, so no S model for me. (always skip the S models)
If the Edition phone doesn’t appeal to me then i might actually just buy an iPhone 7. I just hope they keep the 256GB model for sale.