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Will you buy the iPad Pro with Face ID?

  • Yes

    Votes: 142 66.4%
  • No

    Votes: 72 33.6%

  • Total voters
I’m not sure where you’re getting that skewed view from but you can definitely do way more than that on an iPad and going by your response I don’t think you’ve had enough experience with an iPad anyway.
Used an iPad everyday for 3 years, got a MacBook and never used it again. Sorry, bud.
At this point it appears that you're not interested in a serious discussion but are just trying to get under people's skin. You got rid of your iPad so why are you here?
Why would I want to get under anyone’s skin? Clearly, you feel insecure about your ownership because I said I respect you guys’ choice to spend your money however you want.

I’m only here out of curiosity.
Used an iPad everyday for 3 years, got a MacBook and never used it again. Sorry, bud.
Why would I want to get under anyone’s skin? Clearly, you feel insecure about your ownership because I said I respect you guys’ choice to spend your money however you want.

That question is for you to answer. Insecure about my ownership? Not at all - I'm retired and do spend my money however I want.
If you just use an iPad to check your email and watch cat videos then sure.

Cute. But so untrue. And if you’ll excuse me, ignorant. I know Professional photographers who’ve ditched their laptops in favor of ipads in the field. Artists have left their sketchbooks at home in favor of the ipad pro & pencil. Many Travel bloggers and writers use ipads on the road now rather than laptops. The list goes on and on. Will it replace a laptop for every professional? No. But does it for many? Without a doubt. The ipad is not just for checking emails & watching cat videos anymore.
Seems like you are posting some threads with provoking statements, and then never come back to the thread again. Smells like trolling.
I'm sorry, but I don't understand how any of you can justify buying new iPads. They're too big to take everywhere like an iPhone and are too limited to replace a computer.

I could see one buying an older ipad for small purposes like walking around the house and needing a bigger screen to surf the web but that's it lol
I actually do take my iPad everywhere. Hate web browsing on the iPhone's tiny screen (yes, including the 5.5" Plus). The 10" class iPads fit in my purse just fine same as phablets. Can't fit phablets in my clothes pockets anyway. The iPad is actually easier to find in the black hole that is my purse.

My desktops and laptops, I haven't replaced in years (hence, tech funds diverted towards mobile devices). They still do what they need to. The only thing going for newer computers is speed and likely lower power consumption but it's not like my current computers feel slow to begin with.

After Sandy Bridge (paired with SATA3 SSD and 8+GB RAM), they're fast enough for general use with few tasks such as gaming, 3D modeling, video editing/encoding actually benefiting from faster hardware. Indeed, there are plenty of new laptops that are slower than my quad-core Haswell ThinkPad.
Seems like you are posting some threads with provoking statements, and then never come back to the thread again. Smells like trolling.

I don’t see anything inflammatory about this thread. If anyone finds the notion of using an iPad for honest productive work an aberration, then perhaps they don’t belong in this thread.

Personally, I am tempted to upgrade from my 9.7” iPad Pro, but depending on the performance improvements made in ios 12, I might just hold off for another year. As a teacher using my iPad in the classroom every single day, it more than pays for itself in the form of fewer problems and improved productivity overall.
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If the next Pro comes along next June am all in for the upgrade, as I normally upgrade after 2 years and a bit
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I’m in year 3 of the original 12.9 iPP and I’ll buy the new model in an equivalent size just because I want something new. :cool: Apple replaced the battery in this one and it works great (damn you, Apple!) but I just have difuse and unrequited consumer lust . . . .

I’m not looking for Face ID but I’m happy to adjust to it.

I’ll give the old one away.
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Are there things that a laptop can do that an ipad can’t? Sure. But to say that an ipad can’t compare to a laptop is so untrue. It has replaced a laptop for many people. To say otherwise is false.
As I said, it can certainly replace a laptop if you all do is check your email and watch cat videos
That question is for you to answer. Insecure about my ownership? Not at all - I'm retired and do spend my money however I want.
The question is not for me to answer but you since you feel that way.

I'm sorry that you're offended over me saying that iPads are for entry-level technology users because they are.
As I said, it can certainly replace a laptop if you all do is check your email and watch cat videos
The question is not for me to answer but you since you feel that way.

I'm sorry that you're offended over me saying that iPads are for entry-level technology users because they are.

"Entry level"? I am retired now but I have 40+ years experience as a S/W Systems/Architecture engineer and find the iPad useful for more than email and cat videos. We incorporated iPads into military and commercial systems where they more than cat video streamers. You don't know what you're talking about and you're simply here trolling.
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If you really want a new iPad Pro, and the only way to get one is with Face ID, of course you're going to get it.
"Entry level"? I am retired now but I have 40+ years experience as a S/W Systems/Architecture engineer and find the iPad useful for more than email and cat videos. We incorporated iPads into military and commercial systems where they more than cat video streamers. You don't know what you're talking about and you're simply here trolling.
Someone disagrees with you = troll

I just came from the doctor's and they had ipads for use to check in. That's a very neat use, but not necessary. An iphone/ipod touch which is far cheaper could also do that job. Tablets are a luxury.
Someone disagrees with you = troll

I just came from the doctor's and they had ipads for use to check in. That's a very neat use, but not necessary. An iphone/ipod touch which is far cheaper could also do that job. Tablets are a luxury.
An iPhone is not "far cheaper". Not when an entry-level iPad with Pencil support is $329. Also, I imagine it's harder to read and fill out forms on a tiny iPod touch screen.
faceid is so unreliable on my phone i can't imagine an ipad. maybe the multiple face thing in the new update will help.
I don't really know yet..
I'm still on my Cellular iPad Pro 9.7" and I love everything about it and honestly just see no reason to upgrade at all.

If they ever get materially lighter - that'd be one thing I'd be interested in I suppose..
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The system was literally just pressing confirm and letting it scan your insurance cards.
How's the camera on the iPod touch nowadays? I remember not being able to use it for scanning barcodes for my comic cataloging apps. That was a 5th gen, I believe. Also, what chipset and RAM does the latest iPod touch have? Latest model's probably really slow already. Besides, the staff may be using the tablets for other tasks aside from "pressing confirm and scanning insurance cards".

That said, doesn't change the fact that the iPhone is more expensive than an iPad.
How's the camera on the iPod touch nowadays? I remember not being able to use it for scanning barcodes for my comic cataloging apps. That was a 5th gen, I believe. Also, what chipset and RAM does the latest iPod touch have? Latest model's probably really slow already. Besides, the staff may be using the tablets for other tasks aside from "pressing confirm and scanning insurance cards".

That said, doesn't change the fact that the iPhone is more expensive than an iPad.

Underclocked A8 (1.1 vs 1.4 on 6 and 1.5 on mini 4), 1GB of ram, same camera as the 6.

Also on topic, no I would not buy a new FaceID iPad Pro, my 2017 is fantastic, and I’m really hoping if Apple is gonna go for the notch on all their products they’ll at least find a way to make it dramatically smaller first.
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I’m not inclined to go for Face ID, but I think for me it would depend on other features and if they make it more desirable in other ways.

Right now I’m using a 2018 iPad after giving up my 2nd gen 12.9. I had the first and 2nd generation 12.9 and I really loved the screen size, but, eventually, really missed portability. I just tended to leave it on my desk and use my phone more.

Now I use my iPad a LOT more. I have a great setup on my desk, but it’s easy to grab and go as well.

I was pretty much set on getting a 10.5 or something around there when the new pros came out, but honestly, I’m not sure I’ll go for it unless there are some really great features I feel like will benefit me.
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