Use latest version of VBox and install guest additions in Windows. Works fine.I cannot get the native resolution on the MBP, anyone knows how to fix this?
I misread your question. I get only 1280 x 800 (13" rMBP effective not native resolution).That's what I did....Did you try it? Max res is 1600x...
I've no idea what you mean. I installed Windows 10 in October on both my MBPs and have updated through every subsequent build. Both are currently on build 10049.Windows 10 is a mess you find windows update yet?
I've no idea what you mean. I installed Windows 10 in October on both my MBPs and have updated through every subsequent build. Both are currently on build 10049.
If your question really is "how did you find Windows update" the answer is easy. Press on the windows key (the cmd key on OSX keyboard) and then type "Windows Update".
Pressing the cmd key in windows is like pressing cmd+space in OSX - it brings up the search and you can then type in what you are looking for.
Thanks for the lesson on how to search. Now if you could tell me how to manually run windows update that would be great. Thanks.