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El Jobso

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
Started off my night installing Windows 7 using boot camp. I proceeded to install Parallels 5.0, which was directed to my boot camp partition. For whatever reason, I now have two icons on my desktop, "My Boot Camp" and "Windows 7." I also have the same number of Virtual Machines listed when running Parallels.

Is there any reason as to why I have 2 icons or virtual machines? I figured by directing it to my original Windows 7 installation, it would just create 1 virtual machine, not 2. Can someone please clarify?

Windows 7 Install is 32-bit.

Currently running OSX 10.6.2.


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
Started off my night installing Windows 7 using boot camp. I proceeded to install Parallels 5.0, which was directed to my boot camp partition. For whatever reason, I now have two icons on my desktop, "My Boot Camp" and "Windows 7." I also have the same number of Virtual Machines listed when running Parallels.

Is there any reason as to why I have 2 icons or virtual machines? I figured by directing it to my original Windows 7 installation, it would just create 1 virtual machine, not 2. Can someone please clarify?

Windows 7 Install is 32-bit.

Currently running OSX 10.6.2.

"My Boot Camp" is what Parallels created itself. Technically, you're suppose to use that one and not create another one.

You can go into Parallels' Virtual Machines list, located at the above bar "Window" and delete "My Boot Camp" and keep the other one.

El Jobso

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
Yeah, I never went through the process of creating another Virtual Machine, they both just appeared when I finished going through the process.

I won't be harming the boot camp installation by removing that virtual machine (or virtual hard disk file as it's called when you wan't to remove it)? It presents the options of moving the virtual machine to trash or keeping the file.

Thanks for the help!

El Jobso

macrumors newbie
Original poster
Apr 22, 2009
My other small concern, is that after installing Windows 7 using boot camp and Parallels, my boot-up and shut-down durations have increased. Will repairing permissions have any effect on the increased durations?


macrumors 68000
Jan 16, 2008
Since I plan on having Parallels here later in the week.

I am assuming I do boot camp first? I plan on using XP SP2 (OEM version) and dedicating 100gb to it. Since I have Office for the Mac the only reason to boot camp is for the odd windows only game and work (VPN/5250)


macrumors 601
Dec 5, 2007
Yay Area, CA
Yeah, I never went through the process of creating another Virtual Machine, they both just appeared when I finished going through the process.

I won't be harming the boot camp installation by removing that virtual machine (or virtual hard disk file as it's called when you wan't to remove it)? It presents the options of moving the virtual machine to trash or keeping the file.

Thanks for the help!

In that case, I'd delete "My Boot Camp" and leave the other one.. or delete the other one and keep "My Boot Camp". Up to you.

It shouldn't harm the boot camp partition because Parallels is only linking it. It's like telling where it is to find it and access it. As long as it's not running, it won't harm it.

My other small concern, is that after installing Windows 7 using boot camp and Parallels, my boot-up and shut-down durations have increased. Will repairing permissions have any effect on the increased durations?

I have no idea. I never bothered repairing permissions since I never found a need for that. A slightly longer start up or shut down don't bother me at all since I never shut down or even boot up... it's almost always on or standby.

Since I plan on having Parallels here later in the week.

I am assuming I do boot camp first? I plan on using XP SP2 (OEM version) and dedicating 100gb to it. Since I have Office for the Mac the only reason to boot camp is for the odd windows only game and work (VPN/5250)

Yes. Install boot camp first, reboot in to OSX, Install parallels and it'll automatically link it to the boot camp partition.
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