I buy as much Apple stuff as just about anyone. I've just seen this sequence of events often enough to recognize how it will play out. First, the bulk of "us" think a new thing is stupid (especially when other company iDevice-like toys already have it). Then, the rumors begin to pile up that Apple is probably going to implement it which leads to former (idea) haters "having a change of heart" or "if Apple does it, I'm sure it will be much better". Then, Apple rolls it out and it's seen as fantastic. No trolling, just poking fun at how it usually goes.
Watch & see. By the death of this thread, there will probably be about 80% against the idea (for a multitude of logical and illogical reasoning) and about 20% favoring the idea (but probably taking some beatings for wanting it before Apple reveals they are going to deliver it). Then, after Apple rolls it out, about 90% will be overwhelmingly in love with it and the chorus of "it's a stupid idea" and all of its derivatives will significantly fade away (and some of them will join the chorus of those in love with it). Same story over & over.
-wireless charging is in the group "stupid idea" phase (not many believe Apple is going to implement it yet).
-iRadio is the middle phase (when the crowd begins to believe Apple may actually implement it)
-longer-but-not-wider iPhone was stupid until rumors of iPhone 5 gained steam (then we started coming around to it)... and then it was fantastic when iPhone 5 actually launched longer-but-not-wider (so much for arguments about fragmentation, poor developers, Apple would never, same aspect ratio, etc)
-isight on iPads was entirely "stupid" when gen 1 was released but made perfect sense when gen 2 with "facetime" was launched (so much for "how would one hold it steady", "why would someone want to look up my nose", etc)
-1080p in

TV made no sense when

TV1 & 2 was all there was; then

TV3 rolls out with 1080p and the bulk of the "720p is good enough" crowd seem to vanish (chart & all... and the Internet didn't crash, and sufficient broadband has not been implemented everywhere, etc).
-Etc. Jobs himself commented "who wants video on an iPod?" shortly before rolling out an iPod with video. The crowd chorused with him both ways. And that wasn't the only time. Do searches for Apple and Jobs flip flops and you'll see many examples.
An interesting one is retina as Apple has rolled out brand new products with and without it and thus the always pro-Apple crowd has to both bash and praise it both ways at the same time. Non-retina is "good enough" in the iPad Mini (which I personally have by the way), iMac, etc but nothing short of retina is good enough in other (retina) products.