I've never PC gamed as I know almost zero about building let alone maintenance and all that good stuff that comes with a PC build. But let me say I saw some footage of this on ultra or whatever the highest settings are on a 4K monitor and it was the best looking experience I had ever seen in a video game.
With the way everything else has been running, I think I might be able to do 60 FPS at 1080p with everything jacked up. I'll be finding out here in a bit.
I am really missing the boat on this PC gaming stuff but I do not need another addiction or cost expense outside my current gaming and tech problems.
I'd say I've done a pretty good job of pacing myself, considering I kept my old computer around for 8 years before finally upgrading. Still, it can be really addictive slapping more and more stuff into a computer once you get going. I'm already thinking about adding another watercooler, and a bit more ram into what I just got, but...
...no. Gotta abstain.
Though one thing I've discovered over the last couple of years is that you don't have to upgrade your computer nearly as much as you used to back in the day to keep up with the latest and greatest. Processors have become so fast, the only thing you might have to is pop in a new GPU every 2-3 years, and that's only if you're absolutely insistent on playing everything on ultra at high resolutions at all times.