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macrumors member
Original poster
Sep 9, 2016
Load safari tabs slightly faster than my m1 iPad

Switch apps slightly faster than my m1 ipad

Scroll my photos slightly faster than my m1 iPad

Actually see detail in the dark parts of movies on the new OLED screen

Do I need any of it? Nope but the experience will be slightly better for many hours each day I use it and Im going to be damn happy. That is all

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
I agree with you. But I’m afraid we’re outnumbered on this one

The iPad can benefit from bringing MacOS features but just porting MacOS would not be a good idea.
I don't think we are. I have a MacBook Pro, yet I choose to use my iPad for reasons. It's better at what it does.

I think there's a small number of people who think by injecting these snide comments into every conversation can start to build a false impression of a larger consensus. I'm personally tired of every conversation getting hijacked by this half considered nonsense.


macrumors 6502a
Jan 12, 2016
I don't think we are. I have a MacBook Pro, yet I choose to use my iPad for reasons. It's better at what it does.

I think there's a small number of people who think by injecting these snide comments into every conversation can start to build a false impression of a larger consensus. I'm personally tired of every conversation getting hijacked by this half considered nonsense.
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.

Analog Kid

macrumors G3
Mar 4, 2003
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.
I've never had a web compatibility problem with mine, but what you're describing sounds like a need for improvements to Safari, not a complete transplant of the OS. Changing the OS doesn't make a difference in this case at all.


macrumors 604
Jan 26, 2014
Horsens, Denmark
Scroll my photos slightly faster than my m1 iPad
Was the old one not already scrolling at 120fps? Genuinely would’ve expected it to. If it did scroll performance can’t improve.

That said your points in general are valid and there’s nothing wrong with “I don’t need. But I want it.”
Most of what I own is because of a want not a strict need. I don’t need a tv. I could live in a flat half the size and survive. I don’t need a coffee grinder, etc.

That said I also think it’s still fair to question how noticeable an improvement the performance gains may be. I think it’d be silly to release new iPads without the best hardware they can ship, or to not release one at all for those in the market who are still better off with more power when they buy even if they don’t put it to that much use at the moment.

I don’t want MacOS on the iPad. For two reasons. One is I think it’d be bad for the iPad. The second is that I think it would be bad for macOS. The iPad deserves a touch-first operating system that can be augmented with pencil and keyboard case. And macOS should not become a touch first operating system. It would lessen it on the Mac.

But what I would like is for stave manager to overhaul the App Switcher when activated. Turn it into something more like Mission Control. Drag up with four fingers to go into it. Down with four to go into App Exposè, left and right with four fingers to change Spaces but keep all spaces in a running state, give me small widget-like apps that can’t open a full window but can live in the dock or status bar showing info and expand a popout when tapped for quick interactions and disappear again when tapped anywhere else.
Keep it fundamentally iPad, but more.


macrumors 68030
Sep 2, 2015
With my M4 iPad Pro and 16GB of RAM I am going to.

#1. Game a lot more and use Emulators (video below)
#2. Watch movies in bed.
#3. Finally eliminate that text smear scrolling even new IPS iPad Pros are cursed with.
#4” Flex on anyone with less than an M4 chip.


macrumors 68020
Jul 11, 2013
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.

I don’t know about Emirates (I might try later), but my wife could not load a website properly and was cursing the iPad until I came along and changed the settings to allow pop ups.
The site loaded perfectly after that.

Ive just made a booking on the Emirates site using my iPad and I stopped at the point of payment. Zero problems.

Last edited:


macrumors 65816
Oct 11, 2007
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.
That sounds more like improper web development, because it probably will look crappy on iPhone as well. If it looks good on iPhone and macOS safari, it’s really odd, but it might not necessarily be the iPad. I have come across websites that don’t function well very rarely.

Working 8-14 hours a day on my iPad, it is a joy to use for note taking, writing mails, cross referencing, reading large amounts of documents/pdf’s etc.
only real problem I have is some old (1996 and 2006) legacy systems my client has. That is the only reason I sometimes use a windows laptop. Horrible thing. It’s a dell 2-in-1, mediocre cpu/gpu, rather mediocre/bad screen, hoovers on my desk when I use teams, 148 euro’s pencil is terrible when compared to a Apple Pencil (laggy, bad writing experience,not supported by many apps). And the dell was still expensive at €2350… with 8gb and 256gb. Not my cup of tea.

that all being said, with my 11’ iPad m4, I’m going to enjoy it daily. I’m really curious if the 11“ is going to going well as the 13” m2 I still have. And I really hope the m4/ thermal design innovations are keeping the m4 cooler when attached to a 32” 5k screen when running lots of apps in stage manager. Stage manager has really had a huge productivity impact!

rui no onna

Oct 25, 2013
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.

iOS/iPadOS Safari has gotten a lot of improvements over the years. Sure, some websites still don’t play nice with iOS Safari but those have gotten less over time.

I‘m curious what problems you encountered with Emirates though. The website seems to work fine on my M1 iPad Air.

Search results Book a flight Emirates.png


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
I agree with you. But I’m afraid we’re outnumbered on this one

The iPad can benefit from bringing MacOS features but just porting MacOS would not be a good idea.

This, I think the majority would be happy if they did that, but does Apple have the ‘courage’ to do it? We await what iPad OS18 brings, but remember us iPad users have been here many times before only to be disappointed. ☹️


macrumors 68040
May 1, 2021
The fact a device costing so much can't render an Emirates page to book a flight, or book an appointment at my doctors (there are many more cases) when my M2 Pro Mac mini using Firefox can, that really says just how much a useful replacement for a desktop/laptop an iPad is for my own usage sadly. I come across to many websites where even with cards stored it cant render the site properly to pass the security checks for the card, yet the mac version of Safari can on any other browser that's on a mac laptop mac or desktop.

Dont get me wrong the iPad is a great media consumption and search tool, but so is my TV or iPhone. I cannot see its useful when I have to use my desktop or to get things done and a M4 wont change that. I would love for it to fit in my workflow, and I really hope that changes this year at WWDC but I'm not holding my breath. Now when a M4 comes out for other Macs yep I'll be interested, but right now my old iPad Pro will do just as badly as the new one will in certain computing tasks like browsing the web and that's not great, of course others will have better times with it than me, but right now its a over powered over sized iPhone still until they improve iPadOS with some features from macOS. One being a better browser.

I have several webpages that don’t properly fit, if you hold it in landscape and soon in, then out then the webpage doesn’t seem to fit the screen, this is using full screen. it seems to have issues when I click buttons in webpages too? I don’t have a keyboard attached to mine and I think that’s half the problem.
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macrumors 65816
Feb 14, 2009
This, I think the majority would be happy if they did that, but does Apple have the ‘courage’ to do it? We await what iPad OS18 brings, but remember us iPad users have been here many times before only to be disappointed. ☹️
Agreed, I already love my iPad Pro so any improvements it does get I see was a bonus, so I wont get disappointed


macrumors member
Feb 9, 2007
I agree with you. But I’m afraid we’re outnumbered on this one

The iPad can benefit from bringing MacOS features but just porting MacOS would not be a good idea.

I can see Apple making a compatibility layer to allow MacOS apps on the iPad. Much like you can use iPad apps on MacOS, just in reverse.
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