So called "self-proclaimed experts" who post regularly about how wonderful Apple is and how Cook has a fiduciary responsibility to shareholders to make every dollar possible, always overlook the, in their view old-fashioned principled view that if a company is honest and upfront with its customers, it will be rewarded by repeat business.
It is no secret that Apple made quite an error with the keyboard it introduced in 2016. And to compound the error, instead of saying that it tried something and it learned that it was not the right direction. it claimed that nothing was a problem and only a minuscule number of customers were encountering issues. So minuscule that it then "tweaked" the keyboard at least twice over the next three years and introduced keyboard repair programs, the last one for a just released laptop!
So now, they have gone back to the old style keyboard which has proven over the years to work very well. Does Apple say honestly why it has changed from the butterfly keyboard? Of course not.
Here is how they justify the "new" keyboard...
New Magic Keyboard
The 16-inch MacBook Pro features a new Magic Keyboard with a refined scissor mechanism that delivers 1mm of key travel and a stable key feel, as well as an Apple-designed rubber dome that stores more potential energy for a responsive key press. Incorporating extensive research and user studies focused on human factors and key design, the 16-inch MacBook Pro delivers a keyboard with a comfortable, satisfying and quiet typing experience. The new Magic Keyboard also features a physical Escape key and an inverted-“T” arrangement for the arrow keys, along with Touch Bar and Touch ID, for a keyboard that delivers the best typing experience ever on a Mac notebook.
What a lot of BS when a simple "we realise that the direction we had taken over the past three years regarding the keyboard was not in the best interests of a substantial number of our laptop customers. As a result we have gone back to the popular and highly reliable scissor version".
Am I the only one who would respect this honesty and would be very likely to give Apple another chance? Or do most customers not give a damn these days and reward companies no matter what lies, mistruths and spin comes from the firm?
All good points here. Yes, I would appreciate transparency and honesty. Apple has been forced to admit they've screwed up massively recently, but I think the class action lawsuits and bad press have pushed them into doing that.
At the same time, I am under too much stress to make the jump to PCs (and those companies do not always come clean either). So, I jumped. Based on a couple of hours testing several 16" MBPs' keyboards and the overall experience at the 5th Avenue Apple store, I felt like I made the right choice for
Do I like that I keep supporting a company that makes some scumbag decisions and keeps things too close to their chests? Not really.
However, my health is way more important than continuously stressing myself out over switching or not. I immediately liked using this new MBP (as compared to previous gens and the current iMacs), so I knew I had to try it. And here I am.
If I was a Windows witch (meaning understanding the OS inside and out), I'd still be wondering what to buy.
Apple has a very long way to go, but they are beginning to understand the financial and other issues of their appeasing the shareholders first.
So no all is not forgiven here, seeing touch irresponsiveness in mom's 2018 iPad is driving me nuts*, so I truly hope they just continue on this path of trying to make things right in all of their hardware and software.
*I think I might trade it in for a 2019 for her.
@hajime why can't you use an eGPU with the 16" MBP?