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macrumors 68020
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so I have worked at Best Buy for over a year, but between that time I've never once gone online to preorder or even order an item online.
So I ordered the iPad Pro, but the model will only ship it does not offer store pickup... does anyone have experience with preordering from BB? I was told "get it by June 12th" ... does that really mean if nothing goes wrong that I will actually receive it THAT day, or do they mean it will ship on the 12th? I'm a dummy and should know what BB does since I work there, but using their glitchy website is not something I am familiar with, and I don't handle preorders at the area I work in.
I wish I could have done store pick-up as I'm impatient and a spoiled entitled jerk. ;)
But does anyone know if Best Buy is actually accurate to what they say? It's no big deal but I'm just curious how they handle preorders at Best Buy v Apple and other stores.

Kallum W.
So.... assuming that you work on the BB sales floor somewhere, how do you answer that kind of question when a store customer asks you? I would think it would be a question that would be easy to answer --- even if the answer is something like "I don't know the answer, but there is someone who works here that will have that information. Give me a couple of minutes, and I will get that answer for you!"

*hint: there's someone that you work with that knows the answer to your question. You don't handle preorders or web orders, but someone in your store does that. Find out who that is. Ask him/her. Then you will know how to answer when a real customer asks you.
Answering customer questions is a vital part of a retail store activity, is it not?
(Might be an imaginary goal, after some of the "workers" that I talk to in a BB. Hopefully, you are not one of those :D )
I have done a few Blu-ray preorders from BB. In all the times I did the movie did indeed arrive on Monday where as with Amazon I would get it on Tues. (release day) Hope that helps answer your question and lucky you if you get yours a day early! Tues can't come soon enough for me.
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For me, the BB site says "get it by June 13" so I would expect it to arrive on my doorstep that day. However, other releases have gone to In Store Pickup available on the morning of the release day. So if I were buying it at BB I would wait until the early morning of the 13th and order for in store pick up at that time.
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So.... assuming that you work on the BB sales floor somewhere, how do you answer that kind of question when a store customer asks you? I would think it would be a question that would be easy to answer --- even if the answer is something like "I don't know the answer, but there is someone who works here that will have that information. Give me a couple of minutes, and I will get that answer for you!"

*hint: there's someone that you work with that knows the answer to your question. You don't handle preorders or web orders, but someone in your store does that. Find out who that is. Ask him/her. Then you will know how to answer when a real customer asks you.
Answering customer questions is a vital part of a retail store activity, is it not?
(Might be an imaginary goal, after some of the "workers" that I talk to in a BB. Hopefully, you are not one of those :D )
I work the front end of the store at CS doing pick ups, returns, or exchanges only. i know it sounds like I don't know how the company I work for, really works, (But I do, just not everything obviously.)
As for anyone handling online preorders, and the distribution centers handle that, the only online we help with is if they ordered from our store directly. I do in-store services ONLY. I'm not one of those idiot employees that knows nothing, this is just one thing I am not 100% sure about (I've asked my manager before who knows most everything about BB, but even he is not always sure about preorder releases.) I thought since people here deal with Apple preorders more than I do... I'd ask.
TBH, I am actually only given notice of preorders when it's a huge release phone or game, but even then I only deal with customers who come in the first few days (in store) to pick up their order, but I don't know if people who ordered online received it at the same time. And again, take into account this is the first time I've preordered through Best Buy... before working there I never even shopped online at BBY really, and have never done a preorder with them either. **That's why I'm asking, If you aren't sure or haven't dealt with it yourself why comment? I don't see the need to make someone feel stupid over a simple question. Just cause I work at BB doesn't make me know everything about the store. Many managers who've worked 5-10+ years often don't know these type of questions that may seem silly to you. But since BB is a third party seller we don't always have the most up to date info on brand new products. we go based off whatever the manufacturer tells us.
Not trying to be rude, overly sensitive, or aggressive to you, but I was asking a simple question so there's no need for condescension.

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Oh and I had the hardest time cancelling a preorder from BB last time. The iPad preorder came with some free BS virus protection software download code. When I cancelled the preorder, they only cancelled the part of my order for the iPad and still charged me $29.99 which was the msrp for the stupid software. I hadn't done anything with the software code, hadn't downloaded it or used it in any way and wanted nothing to do with it. After three calls to customer service, getting bounced between BB and the geek squad, they eventually mailed me a BB giftcard for 29.99. So my advice is only to preorder there if you are sure about your purchase.
For me, the BB site says "get it by June 13" so I would expect it to arrive on my doorstep that day. However, other releases have gone to In Store Pickup available on the morning of the release day. So if I were buying it at BB I would wait until the early morning of the 13th and order for in store pick up at that time.
i tried but the 512gb one I ordered had no option for in-store pickup. Just ship. :/
Thank you for your help though. :)
I have done a few Blu-ray preorders from BB. In all the times I did the movie did indeed arrive on Monday where as with Amazon I would get it on Tues. (release day) Hope that helps answer your question and lucky you if you get yours a day early! Tues can't come soon enough for me.
Thanks to you as well for the help good sir, :) I just don't do preorders at BB, as I prefer to deal with the manufacturer directly but BB had a good deal going on.
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A long time ago I worked loss prevention for BB. Man have the times changed. Back then the internet was still in it's infancy and we would open at midnight when big things like the newest tech came out. Those were long nights. I hope you like working there as I really did. They took good care of all their employees back then.
Unless you live in a state that doesn't charge sales tax for in-store purchases, the Best Buy $50 gift card is not the cheapest option. B&H Photo is. No sales tax unless you live in NY or NJ. That will save you more than $50 on the majority of iPad purchases.
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A long time ago I worked loss prevention for BB. Man have the times changed. Back then the internet was still in it's infancy and we would open at midnight when big things like the newest tech came out. Those were long nights. I hope you like working there as I really did. They took good care of all their employees back then.
It is great, (I have some minor grievances) but just minor.
My managers are super awesome and respectful, despite having moron corporate flunkies breathing down their necks and putting so much stupid pressure on them. But since the are all super chill they make it a great place to work. BBY corporate will always suck (as most retailers) but right now I'm treated pretty darn good.
Unless you live in a state that doesn't charge sales tax for in-store purchases, the Best Buy $50 gift card is not the cheapest option. B&H Photo is. No sales tax unless you live in NY or NJ. That will save you more than $50 on the majority of iPad purchases.
That's good to know for future reference... but for now IF I went with B&H I'd save 75 bucks but the gift card from BBY I got essentially makes it just 25 bucks off. I'd save money sure, but I would not get the perks if the BB credit card and the financing offer of no interest 24 months. I don't need 2 years to pay it off (probably pay it off in a couple weeks,) but it is cool as I have that flexibility.
Thank you good sir for the info though. :D
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... BBY corporate will always suck (as most retailers) but right now I'm treated pretty darn good.
I expect that if you are caught trying to discover BB store "secrets", you may be found to know too much, and BB will end up letting you go, replacing you with someone who doesn't ask so many questions :D
Can't have someone work at BB who can provide a customer with correct information. Sounds like a heretic --- off with their head!
I expect that if you are caught trying to discover BB store "secrets", you may be found to know too much, and BB will end up letting you go, replacing you with someone who doesn't ask so many questions :D
Can't have someone work at BB who can provide a customer with correct information. Sounds like a heretic --- off with their head!
The confidentiality document I signed just cares if I release actual info for products, safety stuff, or secrets of actual business practices and such. I'm not giving any info away except a job description. lol
The confidentiality document I signed just cares if I release actual info for products, safety stuff, or secrets of actual business practices and such. I'm not giving any info away except a job description. lol
Ah, OK...
I wouldn't just give away any information for free, either. My game would be to sell it to the highest bidder...
Must be how those other "employees/clerks/agents/team members, etc" get their extra spending money :cool:
Not you, of course...
That's good to know for future reference... but for now IF I went with B&H I'd save 75 bucks but the gift card from BBY I got essentially makes it just 25 bucks off. I'd save money sure, but I would not get the perks if the BB credit card and the financing offer of no interest 24 months. I don't need 2 years to pay it off (probably pay it off in a couple weeks,) but it is cool as I have that flexibility.
Thank you good sir for the info though. :D

Absolutely. I love exchanging ideas on how to save the most money. Great point though about the other tangible benefits you receive (i.e credit card perks, interest-free financing, etc.) That’s a great reminder that sometimes other variables are at play.

Congrats on the upcoming new iPad! We’re all going to have a lot of fun with this new toy. (Although I should refer to it as a Beast!) :)
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