I’ve got a mid 2015 15-inch MBP that had the GPU go bad earlier this year. Lately I’ve been using it docked to an EGPU which seems to resolve the issue (by bypassing the internal GPU I assume), however, now I’ve essentially got a desktop and I miss being able to take my laptop with me. A replacement logic board is about $400 on eBay (with guarantee and return policy) and I’m fairly good with electronics (I could even upgrade to the 2.8ghz cpu over my current 2.5) and I’m sure I could do the repair myself. My question is if it’s worth it? I’ve never had any speed issues or desire to upgrade, but investing in old hardware with used parts does have a risk. As far as just replacing it, I don’t want a butterfly keyboard, and I can’t afford the 16-inch model, plus considering that Apple is switching away from Intel I feel less confident investing in that architecture considering how long I’d want to keep the new machine.
Thoughts, opinions?
Thoughts, opinions?