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macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 22, 2009
United Kingdom
Dear All,

Was just browsing the web when I came across an announcement for Toshiba's Libretto - interestingly, it consists of dual touch-screen displays and no physical keyboard:

Toshiba's product webpage:
Ars Technica article:

I don't think the idea is new, but up there is a modern working example. Something to look forward to in the ultramobile space?


Note to moderators: wasn't sure if there was a better place to post this, sorry if it is in the wrong place.


macrumors 6502
Original poster
Jul 22, 2009
United Kingdom
Fair enough

After playing with someone else's iPad i found that typing on a virtual keyboard via touch screen wasn't a bad thing, though it did take some getting used to. Error rate was higher than with a real keyboard, but not unacceptable.

Personally, I think that the ability to alter the keyboard layout depending on context would be very useful - keyboard for some tasks, video controls for others, perhaps a dual display for comparing old and new versions of documents or data and so on. Naturally, this all depends on a lot of complicated, fancy technology working intuitively and exactly right, withstanding daily use and abuse for years... that and maybe some tactile feedback. I would really like to try the W100 out in a shop, see whether the circuitry is up to scratch.

Maybe not the in next iteration of the Air - when it finally shows up - but some time after that...
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