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macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
Or send it back, it is such a minor issue I hate to go through the trouble but i'm worried it will just get worse, if only i knew of "perfect" black paint I could use to dab it on and make it look like nothing happened.

kinda hard to see but some of the paint came chipped off around the home button.


  • IMG_3199.JPG
    102.7 KB · Views: 621


macrumors 604
Apr 6, 2007
I would definitely return that, ASAP. The sooner you do it, the greater chance to limit the possibility of an Apple employee climbing it was something you did.

Also, I *think* the coloring is anodization, not paint. Is it a solid black? I don't have mine yet (coming Monday) so I don't know, but if it is, you MIGHT be able to touch it up with this:

I used it often to touch up the chamfered edges on my black iPhone 5 when I had it. :)
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macrumors 6502
Aug 25, 2013
Or send it back, it is such a minor issue I hate to go through the trouble but i'm worried it will just get worse, if only i knew of "perfect" black pain I could use to dab it on and make it look like nothing happened.

kinda hard to see but some of the paint came chipped off around the home button.

If it wasn't your fault... instant return


macrumors 65816
Jul 4, 2009
I would return it; for the price of these things, they should not have inconsistencies fresh out of the box.


macrumors 6502
Dec 2, 2010
Return it, because once return policy runs out, you will regret not returning it. You paid money for it, you should get an undamaged phone. If I were to buy a new car and it was delivered with scratches on a bumper, I would not accept delivery and tell them to get me a another car.


macrumors 68000
Aug 30, 2011
I would Return It, not because I could live with it.


I'm wondering what else is wrong if they ignored that
during the different visual checks.

Swap it out


macrumors 65816
Oct 2, 2011
If it's bothered you to the point where you have to post a photo and ask complete strangers what to do, then exchange it while you can. The OCD is only going to get worse.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
well, it was like pulling teeth to get them to send me a new one, after being transferred to like 3-4 different people and an hour and a half later I was able to request to speak to a supervisor and I think they are in the process of sending me a new one.

at one point one person wanted to charge me to repair it, another person said I would need to send back my other one first....yeahhhhh NO! Not after I had to deal with the preordering hell at 2:00 in the morning the week before.

btw. sorry about the pic, its the best I could do with the lighting at the time.


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
Or send it back, it is such a minor issue I hate to go through the trouble but i'm worried it will just get worse, if only i knew of "perfect" black paint I could use to dab it on and make it look like nothing happened.

kinda hard to see but some of the paint came chipped off around the home button.

I have this exact same issue. I called Apple, and they're sending me another phone.


macrumors 68030
Original poster
May 16, 2011
Eau Claire, WI
Yeah, I even had the same phone experience as you. Got bounced around like 5 times.

Ooooo that sucks....

it kind of bothered me a bit cause I kept reading other people's experiences, with them saying "they gave me $70 worth of freebees", "they are sending me a new one immediately".

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