Absolutely not, people are forgetting that sapphire crystal, while more scratch resistant, is a lot more brittle.
It would be the most scratch resistant iPhone sure, but it has a much higher chance of being absolutely destroyed on a drop.
Also, Apple has already tried the “pay more for better materials” when they have the Apple Watch edition, and most people just opted for the aluminum anyway.
It would be IMO as an Ultra device.
#1. Faster storage speed
#2. Maybe 2GB more RAM
#3. Be the first USB-C iPhone
#4. complete Sapphire glass
#5. Have a Titanium case with unique colors
#6. As an Ultra device have special animations when paired with an Apple Watch Ultra
#7. Special packaging
#8. better and louder speakers
#9. Improved durability
I don’t think of any of these as “ultra” features.
The “pro” is already rumored to get two extra gigabytes of faster RAM this year, and titanium edges as well.
By the end of 2024, the entire iPhone lineup will have to have switched to USB-C, so they could only market that as an “ultra” feature for a year. And it’s not really that good of an ultra feature anyway when their $59 Apple TV remote already has it.
Better speakers isn’t important to most, the current speakers are fine for a phone and most people will end up connecting headphones to it anyway for actual listening.
Sapphire doesn’t automatically mean more durable, and better packaging and animations really don’t matter. If Apple could ship the iPhone without a box they would.
None of these features are worth anywhere close to $2000 or an “ultra” name.