Fishrrman's description of disk encryption:
More trouble than it's worth, unless you have a REALLY good and legitimate reason for using it.
How is that?
I have been using FDE for 10 years and have never had a problem so far. (And since I use CarbonCopyCloner, if something did go wrong, I have a backup. For those that are paranoid, make a clone, decrypt it, lock it up in a safe, and then you have a clone unfettered by encryption.)
I know encryption turns your data unreadable except with the password, here is my questions.
1)If I encrypt a drive, does it work slower? Does it cause errors? Does it cause errors in backup?
With a SSD, not noticeably slower.
Errors? It can.
A backup is a copy of your Mac's current state. Have a corrupt Mac. Your backup/clone will be corrupt too.
2)If I backup an encrypted drive, does the back becomes encrypted too?
I us CarbonCopyClone (CCC) to make "clones" of my Mac to serve as something better than a backup.
When I clone a virgin drive, it does ot encrypt that drive. You have to boot up into it, and turn on FileVault2 and then encryption can take a couple of days depending.
After that, each time you create an updated clone on that drive, it is encrypted. (Think of encryption as another layer to the backup or clone. (I cannot speak to how TimeMachone works...)
3)What do I encrypt? The Disk, the Volume, or the Partition? I think the new APFS has something new too which i forgot its name
You can encrypt files or directories, but you should instead trn on FileVault2 and encrypt EVERYTHING!!
If you are paranoid, you can encrypt individual files too, but you should always use Full-Disk Encryption (FDE) as a base line if you want encrption.
(Would you lock your file cabinet but leave your front door open? If not, then always use FDE!!)
4)Is encryption a public standard like .Zip, like I can encrypt it on Y app on MacOS and decrypt it on X app on Linux? Or do I need the same software from the software vendor on the same OS?
If you used some app to encrypt that existed on multiple platforms then you could in theory do as you describe.
FileVault2 is macOS only, but you can encrypt a bootable disk on mac #1 and then boot from that disk on Mac#2 and decrypt it. (That assumes you are using a bootable clone like CCC creates.)