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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jul 9, 2010
He got the prices very wrong.... and also the fact that you can buy seperate bands (well -except for apple watch edition ) :rolleyes:
Well, he was in the ballpark for the Edition watch. He thought it would start at $7499 for the sports band, but it starts at $10k.
He pointed out clearly he had no insider information and was simply having fun with the predictions. So, the only difference between him and us is he's on a blog, and we are here... We were all wrong in some ways. He was right about the bands being very expensive, he was right about the Gold starting at 10K.
Yeah he overpriced the steel and underpriced the edition, but he was a lot closer than most other people.

Also that's a pretty huge gap between the two collections, which would be hard to have predicted

I mean it goes from $549-$1,000 to $10,000-$17,000

The Edition really is a limited edition model intended for a halo effect. Apple is giving notice to the luxury market that it wants to compete there. $10,000 isn't outrageous for an 18kt gold watch. Burberry has 2 on their website for $13,000 and $14,000. They have ordinary quartz mechanisms.
I would he's just a gossip columnist. There are thousands of him on the Internet

there are not thousands tech blogger about apple with such huge impact on the community. And he does have some inside sources - although he rarely mentions them.

With the big guys like WSJ, dalrympel and gruber you also never know if an information is a comment or a "directed intended leak" from Apple. So it is always at least very interesting what Gruber has to say.
Good, I called him out on his outlandish $$$$ predictions. I don't want to hear "Gruber said" anymore.

I don't think he was really that wrong. Sure, he was out on the Sport-band SS by $200 and the link bracelet by a bit, but he correctly predicted the Milanese Loop would be less than some leather bands, and that the Edtition would start in the ~$10k ballpark.

He's gone up a lot in my estimation - nobody else was predicting anything near $10-20k for the Edition until he came along and said it.
The Edition really is a limited edition model intended for a halo effect. Apple is giving notice to the luxury market that it wants to compete there. $10,000 isn't outrageous for an 18kt gold watch. Burberry has 2 on their website for $13,000 and $14,000. They have ordinary quartz mechanisms.

Exactly. Apple isn't expecting many Edition sales. I'm glad Gruber was way wrong about the SS collection. He predicted a starting price of $749 and that the link bracelet would be $999 or could even go as high as $1999. Had Apple done that it would have been a disaster.
Meh. He's the first one who predicted the Edition will be super expensive and people questioning him for months.
Turns out he's right after all , was he not?
Yeah he overpriced the steel and underpriced the edition, but he was a lot closer than most other people.

Also that's a pretty huge gap between the two collections, which would be hard to have predicted

I mean it goes from $549-$1,000 to $10,000-$17,000

I predicted the SS price a few days ago and it took me 2 secs off the top of my head. So I would say I was % wise just as close as him…

People don't like Grubber because he makes people think he has people on the inside helping him w predictions and w this we know it is not true.
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