Hi all,
I just have a quick question regarding wrist detection.
I have come across an image of the wrist detection setting and it states "When this is on Apple Watch will automatically show you the time and the latest alerts when you raise your wrist..."
Does the Apple Watch not come on when you raise your wrist with wrist detection off? I know there is a setting on the watch to turn wrist raise on/off, but I cant see why turning wrist detecion off would affect the wrist raise option.
Can someone with wrist detection off please confirm that wrist raise still works?
I dont have an Apple Watch at the moment, I am waiting for it to be delivered on Thursday and I know already that wrist detection being on is not an option. I've had a shot of my friends watch and my tattoos dont work with this feature. Funnily enough though it still gets my HR OK on a workout.
Thanks very much