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macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
Hey guys, I've decided to try and write a program like MacJanitor to give to my Unix teacher (who also uses a Mac) just for fun. I'd also like to do it just for my own use to improve my programming skills.

I have the general layout design finished in IB, but don't know how to run terminal commands from inside Xcode. Also, it would be nice to add a little progress bar type thing so that the user knows how far the program is from completion.

Can anyone here either provide good resources/tutorials as to how to learn these specific techniques, or post replies with snippets of code that might lead me in the right direction? (Example code, etc.) Thanks a bunch! :D


macrumors 603
Jan 6, 2004
Western US
Littleodie914 said:
Can anyone here either provide good resources/tutorials as to how to learn these specific techniques, or post replies with snippets of code that might lead me in the right direction? (Example code, etc.) Thanks a bunch! :D
Read the Apple documentation related to NSTask, NSPipe, NSFileWrapper, and NSProgressBar. Sorry I don't have time to elaborate! There is definitely example code available for running UNIX commands from Cocoa, use Google.


Feb 17, 2003
Hitchin, Herts, UK
If you have to have administrator rights for anything then you'll come up against Apple's Authorization mechanism (it's pretty much Carbon only - the Cocoa wrapper's crap). It's a load of fun....not


macrumors 68000
Original poster
Jun 9, 2004
Rochester, NY
Okay, I've dropped my expectations for what this program will amount to, and I'm now just going to try and write a program (from scratch) that will send the "uptime" command and display the results. I know I'm doing all of this wrong, but what I do know how to do is...

Create the task using NSTask, assign the command (but I don't know where uptime is?), create a pipe with NSPipe, send the task arguments, and launch the task. That's about it. I've looked around at the documentation, but learning both of the pieces (Task and Pipe) is a bit daunting.

Now that I've got an easier program, do any of you guys have any pointers as to where to look from here? Here's all I've got: (I know some of it is incorrect and incomplete, but it's my general understanding of what I want to do.)

- (IBAction)daily:(id)sender
	mytask = [[NSTask alloc] init];
	piper = [[NSPipe alloc] init];
	[mytask setLaunchPath:@"uptime"];
	[mytask launch];
	[resultsbox setStringValue:piper];
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