Update: The eBay cable arrived today and as
@Dronecatcher mentioned iMovie provides control over the camcorder.
Now all I need is about 6 months to watch / record all these Hi8 tapes to files.
Good luck!
I'm currently running a similar project to recover old DV-Cam-clips and I have pretty much fear, that our old Panasonic-camcorder might kick the bucket, before all video-tapes have been copied to iMovie.
Back in 1998 I used a special PCI-Video-encoder-card to copy/encode stuff to SVCD-media. What a waste of time, since SVCD is totally obsolete now and quality is horrible ...
Take care: start/stop-maneuvers with the Camcorder produces drop of video-frames, while the audio-stream continues without drops. That might make video/sound become asynchron. You won't get aware of it on the first-version native video-stream copied to the harddrive but the problem will occur after cutting clips for a new video.
I have no experience yet, if this problem also occurs with iMovie and editing DV-video-material.
At that old PC times with "Fast DVD-Master" encoder-card the DV-video from the cam had been captured analog and I had to use "TMPEGenc" and "PV Strumento" to reorganize picture&sound to prevent asynchronizity previous to further editing of any video-clip.