poll time!
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
poll time!
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
No i have a suspicion that apple may release a new phone each year. Its just a hunch
poll time!
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
poll time!
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
poll time!
also would you be hosed by a design change of the X (as part of conversation/not the poll)
Most iPhone 10 users are on IUP, they don't care.
No. Because one of the reasons I switched to the X is that I can have a good resolution, battery, screen size etc in practically the footprint of a 4.7” iPhone. Going to X plus (or whatever it’s going to be called) will be defeating that purpose. Some of my smaller purses couldn’t fit my 7 Plus in a case which suckedif I wanted to carry my phone in them I had to take it out of its case and still then it barely fit. Just an example of everyday inconveniences I faced (#firstworldproblems much lol) refusing to compromise what Plus offered over regular ones lol
Defeats the purpose as in for me personally. I personally hated the size of my plus phone for various inconveniences I faced carrying it, I just never downsized because I wanted to get all the goodies like battery life, resolution, camera, etc. X offered me a solution so I happily took it... and then going back to similar sized phone (albeit way bigger screen) next year would be... I don’t know how to exactly put this... ironic? Either way I’m probably not going to unless the plus exclusive features are so great I am tempted back...I wouldn’t say it defeats the purpose. The current X, like the 5 before it, is optimized for portrait orientation. A Plus size screen would be necessary for a more landscape optimized phone. Given that photography is probably the most popular feature on these devices a bigger Plus screen in a smaller footprint makes sense just as the current standard size X makes sense in comparison the 8.
i'll feel hosed if they make X+ with features that aren't on the X (or next generation of X)..
like, trueDepth cameras on the back but only on the Plus version.. i don't like how they did that (well, similar) with previous regular vs plus models.