I wonder how many people here are just used to the overly blue default colour temperature Apple (and the others) have typically used for mobile displays, and so a more neutral white looks yellow (at first) by comparison?
I have a 7 Plus without True Tone unfortunately but I use Night Shift at various levels 24/7 to achieve a similar effect. Even in sunny, midday, outdoor lighting I don’t reduce night shift below 20-25% typically, while at night with warm indoor lighting I push it as high as 75-80%, maybe even 85%.
I have no idea which temperatures in Kelvin correspond to these values because Apple doesn’t tell us but let me say this: the default temperature with Night Shift off is extremely and far too high (meaning blue) and at night ridiculously so. Ever taken a photo of someone using their phone in the dark and noticed the blue glow? Try looking at the reflected glow from your phone in a mirror and then say if it looks blue, white or yellow.
Your eyes adjust to colour temperature which is why after years of training the blue screens of phones can look white but they will also adjust to a more neutral or warm tone of white if you let them.
Once I found f.Lux software I couldn’t use my Mac without it. It’s only a matter of time before True Tone makes its way to Apple’s laptop and desktop screens.