Anyone get an Xcode update today? I’m running Ventura. When I go to the App Store, it says I haven’t downloaded Xcode at all. I did download Xcode via brew SSH, is that the reason I don’t see it?
Weird. I got the upgrade (through Mac App Store) at my M1 Air at home, but it's not showing on my M2 Air at work? I think I've installed it through Mac App Store both places...?
Edit: Literally 30 seconds after typing that, Xcode, along with 4 other updates showed up on my work Air...
Anyway, so simplify a bit: Whatever's installed through should also be updated through using brew update/upgrade. (I normally run `brew update` first, and then `brew upgrade`). There might be a delay - typically a day or two - before (some) upgrades show up in, though...