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macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
New York City
Has anyone heard anything from anyone about the possibility that xCon will be updated? The developer has not really responded to anyone on github. This has, by far, been my *must have* tweak (and yes, I have donated). If anyone has any information, I would be grateful. I don't want to miss the window to upgrade my iPhone but I don't want to upgrade unless xCon or an alternative is (or will be) available.


macrumors 68040
Nov 23, 2011
Why is this a must have tweak?

Allows apps like DirecTV, TiVo, Time Warner Streaming apps to run, when they otherwise wouldn't because they detect the jailbreak.

For DirecTV and Tivo, there are solutions to make them work, but for all others I don't know.


macrumors 68020
May 13, 2008
Dallas, TX
I tried the current one and it just crashed my Directv app. I had not used it on previous jailbreaks and was hopeful it would work. Thankfully I found dtvRunner that did what I needed, but I'd love to have the full xCon for iOS 7 eventually if it delivers as advertised!


macrumors 6502
Jul 7, 2009
Directv fix?

What's the directv fix? I'm on an iPad 3 iOS 7 and I have tried evey fix I could find and the directv app just refuses to go past the jailbreak message.

Please help.....


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
New York City
Why is this a must have tweak?

For me it's a must have because it is the only way I can get my corporate email on my iPhone, which is basically essential to my job. So until xCon supports iOS7 (and MobileIron), I am stuck on iOS 6, or I lose the jailbreak on iOS 7, which I do not want to do.


macrumors 603
Feb 5, 2009
For me it's a must have because it is the only way I can get my corporate email on my iPhone, which is basically essential to my job. So until xCon supports iOS7 (and MobileIron), I am stuck on iOS 6, or I lose the jailbreak on iOS 7, which I do not want to do.

I don't know about your setup, but if you install MobileIron to set up the profiles and verify the phone, you can then delete mobileiron afterwards which doesn't delete the profiles, and thus you still have work email.


macrumors regular
Original poster
Jul 14, 2008
New York City
I don't know about your setup, but if you install MobileIron to set up the profiles and verify the phone, you can then delete mobileiron afterwards which doesn't delete the profiles, and thus you still have work email.

Yeah, with my company, that only works for at most one week. They poll MI clients every Friday. No response from the client = no more email.


macrumors newbie
Jan 17, 2014
Xcon 39.7

Go to GitHub--the latest xcon is there and I just installed it. Directv works just fine with my jail broken iOS 7.0.4!:p


macrumors 68040
Nov 23, 2011
Go to GitHub--the latest xcon is there and I just installed it. Directv works just fine with my jail broken iOS 7.0.4!:p

I hate even commenting in this thread since the op ignored that this was already an open thread, but does the new 39b7 work on Tivo? Ipad? A7 devices?
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