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Oct 2, 2016
Hey all,
Has anyone ordered the Gold iPhone XS Max in Gold but exchanged it for SG? I got the Gold and I'm kinda with mixed feelings about it. I always had black phones so for the iPhone X I went with the Silver for a change and now for the XS Gold to mix it a bit. I kinda feel from pictures that the Space Grey is more flashy and uniform due to being seamlessly black all around itself. :confused:
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You sure can, as long as you are within your 14 day return policy. Take the whole box with you and tell them you want to exchange it to a Space Gray model. You should be fine.
Thanks, I'm aware I can exchange, I am just not sure if the SG is the perfect color when it comes to fingerprints and scratches (compared to Gold).
Like all fashion questions colour is a very personal taste. Forget what others say, test it and return if you are not happy.
Like all fashion questions colour is a very personal taste. Forget what others say, test it and return if you are not happy.
I'm concerned about how it holds up, if it has issues with paint coming off and fingerprints.
Ironically I am thinking about returning my SG for the gold. I've never had one of the gold iphones, but this year's look pretty cool in person.
I actually had a silver X too and pre-ordered Gold XS Max for launch day. Ended up exchanging for Space Grey the following Tuesday. Much happier with it. Looks very professional/sleek and not as easy to get tired of the color. Overall, very good looking phone and I don't think you'll regret switching to Space Grey.
I'm totally done with the Gold. With some lightnings it looks completely Silver, for a silver phone I already have the X. I'll return it for Space Grey. Thanks!
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The SG hides them waaaaaaay better than Silver or Gold models.

Just look at the demo phones at store.

Is that true? if the SG gets scratched, it's a completely different color. Whereas if the silver gets scratched, it can actually be polished apparently.
I held the SG for a long time in the store comparing it to my gold Max. I like the way the gold band breaks up the black, and it, of course, adds some color. I felt the same about my silver X. The SG won't show the scuffs on the band like the others will, though. The jury's out on whether the SG band will flake like last year's did on occasion. To my eye, the fingerprints and dust bits show up more on the back of SG than the others even in the store, but YMMV: (the coated band is a different story: the SG is much better with fingerprints on the band, IMO).

Sounds like you prefer SG, and it does look great. Go for the Gray!
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Got a gold Max on launch day.

Day 1: Wow this is a nice color.
Day 2: Wow this color is nice but I'm missing my SG.
Day 3: Swapped back to SG. Wow I love SG.
Thanks, I'm aware I can exchange, I am just not sure if the SG is the perfect color when it comes to fingerprints and scratches (compared to Gold).
I was at Apple today and compared all 3 colors and it was clearly noticeable the smudges and fingerprints all 3 colors showed. From my observation, Space Gray was worse of all three colors.
I consider the gold iPhone, but ultimately passed, but I did order the stainless gold 44 MM Apple Watch. Space Gray has usually been my ‘Go to’ color and will continue to be as long as Apple offers it.
Space Grey XS Max here. The finish is so nice, actually a close resemblance to Jet Black color. Which’s my favorite iPhone color of all time. Period.
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I consider the gold iPhone, but ultimately passed, but I did order the stainless gold 44 MM Apple Watch. Space Gray has usually been my ‘Go to’ color and will continue to be as long as Apple offers it.
Same here. Does it irritate u a little bit it doesn’t match lol
Can't go wrong with eirher, gold is gorgeous. But think I'd stick with Sapce Grey if I got one.

Maybe I'm just boring
Gold isn't boring, just in real life looks like a bandaid, or that someone peed on a silver iPhone and it turned into that color. :D
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