Yesterday, I installed the Yale Assure Lock with WiFi, which is HomeKit compatible.
My other door has had a different Yale smart lock for four years now, but that one uses August Connect, so this new lock is my first foray into HomeKit. No HomePod, just using the Home app.
It connected fine, locked and unlocked yesterday, but now I’m getting either “no response” or “setup needed,” and I can’t figure out why. Also, it says “You can give Home access to this accessory in the manufacturer's app,” which I’ve already done.
Any help?
My other door has had a different Yale smart lock for four years now, but that one uses August Connect, so this new lock is my first foray into HomeKit. No HomePod, just using the Home app.
It connected fine, locked and unlocked yesterday, but now I’m getting either “no response” or “setup needed,” and I can’t figure out why. Also, it says “You can give Home access to this accessory in the manufacturer's app,” which I’ve already done.
Any help?