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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Jun 24, 2019
I’m trying to get more scheduled/organized about regular yearly iPhone upgrades and am eager to hear some best practices from the forum on how to optimize it and how to minimize the expense.

Every third year I have been taking advantage of AT&T’s $1000 off after eligible trade in and that works well for me but am now trying to assess my approach in the other two years. Does buying outright and selling on eBay or Swappa make the most sense, or go with the iPhone Upgrade Program, or some other approach?
I used to upgrade every year by buying the iPhone in cash and selling the pervious one. But there is not much changes between generations of iPhones anymore. I only upgrade once every few years. This year, it’s because I really want USB-C because everything I own charges that way, and Apple Intelligence. So two big things that I am wanting. Paying $1000 every year for just ONE new thing is just a waste of money in my opinion.
I sell and buy the new one. Swappa works. Trading in works, but will net you less. I do NOT recommend eBay. It's just one expense I plan for yearly since selling the old does not at all cover near the price of a new one. New tech is my one vice so I don't mind the yearly expense to have the latest and greatest.
I usually sell yearly on eBay but each year it's getting harder and harder to sell. Right now I have the 15 Pro 128 GB and I'll be trading it in for the 16 Pro which is rumor to be $1099 hopefully it stays at $999, I assume the 15 Pro-trade-in price will be $570 and I'll have to pay $566 after tax. I'm still thinking if I should only upgrade every two years from now.
I upgrade every year. Year 1 I sell my phone to part finance the new one. Year 2 I pass my phone to my husband and take the hit on the new one. Then the next year I sell it again and so on. He's not that fussed so he gets a newer phone every couple of years and I get the new toy.

Having said all that, last year was the first time I didn't upgrade so I'm still on the 14PM. The 8 and the 15 are the only phones I've missed.
I would avoid the official Upgrade program, since you can almost always get a better value using other venues. If you don't mind eBay or Swappa, that may be a viable venue. In the end, what you get for your phone depends mostly on the condition it is in when you want to sell it or trade it in. If you good care of it (and I guess you do), you should be able to recoup most (if not all) of the initial cost.
I’m on the new every year plan so I basically lease my phone. It’s not ideal but work doesn’t give us test equipment because some ****** manager who isn’t even a developer said “the simulator in Xcode is just fine”. That manager got all new office furniture that sits in their empty office but we can’t even get a single new test device.
Im on tmobile and they have 2 year phone "contracts" where you trade in a certain phone and get $800 or $1000 off (certain phones get eligible for $1000). So I buy the cheapest phone on that list that gets the $800 or $1000 and trade that in for a new iPhone. Im usually on a two year cycle, so when the new iPhone comes out my current one is ending its "2 year tmobile contract" and I am free to sell that phone usually on facebook marketplace.

I did this last year with the 15 Pro Max launch. $1200 for the 15 Pro Max + a $100 device to trade in = $1300. Got the $800 promo applied so it was $1300-800= $500. Sold my 2 year old 13 Pro Max for $700.

Effectively made $200 upgrading. Have to be on one of the most expensive plans on tmobile tho :/ Works for our family (about 5 phones getting upgraded every 2 years)
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For me iPhone upgrade program is not a smart decision and carrier upgrade are stupid since usually you have to pay for the higher tier plans. Right now I have the cheapest unlimited T-Mobile plan 5 lines for $130 also for the Apple upgrade program why not just buy it out and trade it in it’s much cheaper. The Pro model for the Apple upgrade is $50 a month which is $600 and with tax it’s around $670 just to lease a $999 phone when you could buy it for $999 and trade it in for $570 and only pay $429 a year.
I usually do every 2 years, I think one time I waited 3 since getting a new phone during covid didn't make much sense. BUT I've also done yearly once or twice and it can be worth it if ya can sell your current one for high enough price. Usually use eBay or sell to someone direct as eBay fees have gotten crazy
I’m trying to get more scheduled/organized about regular yearly iPhone upgrades and am eager to hear some best practices from the forum on how to optimize it and how to minimize the expense.

Every third year I have been taking advantage of AT&T’s $1000 off after eligible trade in and that works well for me but am now trying to assess my approach in the other two years. Does buying outright and selling on eBay or Swappa make the most sense, or go with the iPhone Upgrade Program, or some other approach?
I use to upgrade every 2 years but now I’m in my early 40’s I’ve calmed down and maybe as well because upgrades aren’t as compelling as they once were.

Another thing is I’ve become more careful with over spending on things I don’t really need and a phone and tech is one of them.

You will save the most by keeping your device longer. I’m trying to stick to 5 years
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They must be paying off their phones fully and then selling/trading them in every year. I do it every 2 years because I take the trade in deal and just let it get paid off slowly over time.

went from 13-15 last year.
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Instead of wasting money on new iPhones every year that are virtually identical, isn’t there anything else you’d want to play with instead?
How about a new bicycle?
A new e-bike?
A new electric scooter?
Anything except an iPhone?
E-bike and e-scooter is terrible way to burn money. I upgrade iPhone every 6-7 years. But I would never buy the junk you listed lol.
I’m trying to get more scheduled/organized about regular yearly iPhone upgrades and am eager to hear some best practices from the forum on how to optimize it and how to minimize the expense.

Every third year I have been taking advantage of AT&T’s $1000 off after eligible trade in and that works well for me but am now trying to assess my approach in the other two years. Does buying outright and selling on eBay or Swappa make the most sense, or go with the iPhone Upgrade Program, or some other approach?
trade in values change year to year. But if Apple or carriers are offering special offers, trade in, or sell outside. Upgrade plans are basically installments. I upgrade every six years and usually spend 200-250 a year over life of the phone. If you can upgrade every year with a hit of 200-300 bucks, it’s not very different.
I’ve always used prepaid plans, so I don’t get any of the carrier deals. I bounce back and forth between selling on Swappa and trade-in at the Apple Store. You’ll get more more money for selling your phone, especially if you have a higher storage capacity as Apple doesn’t give you any extra money for that.

But I get the base storage, and I’ve gotten to the point where I’d rather pay the extra ~$100 versus selling online to not have to deal with taking photos, creating the sale post, deal with people bargaining, packaging the old phone up, going to the post office, hoping it gets to the seller with no issues, and worrying that the buyer will try to will scam me. I just go into the Apple Store, give them my phone, and get the refund applied to my new iPhone purchase in about 5-10 minutes. Super easy.

It’s financially unwise to upgrade each year though, no matter which way you spin it. You’ll save significant money even by just waiting one more year to upgrade rather than doing it every year. At the iPhone 15 launch, Apple only gave you $70 more for trading in a 14 Pro Max over a 13 Pro Max. That‘s the difference of paying $549/year to upgrade annually versus $310/year by upgrading every other year.
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I have T-Mobile so I use their upgrade feature on my plan. I basically turn the phone in and get new customer pricing so it ends up being a free upgrade for me.

As a result, I will be snagging the iPhone 16 Pro.

I do my upgrades via Apple directly though.
Apples IUP is what I use. You pay on your current device and then pay just tax to upgrade. Then you continue to pay the same monthly. Also you can chose to keep it for 2 years before upgrade.
I started with iPhone 5, went to 6S+, then jumped to X. I skipped XS to 11PM and went with the iPhone UP until 13PM. A friend of mine bought my X, and I sold my 6S+ online. The iPhone UP was definitely the most convenient, but is not an amazing value. I also was with Verizon at the time, but now use MVNOs, which aren't eligible for this. (Which is stupid anyway, why should my carrier matter when the iUP is a new line of credit on its own.) I traded my 13PM in for my wife to get her 15P (she left a 12m, with a 7 before that) and bought my 15P with cash.

While I did upgrade annually at one point, it was for only three generations. I had my 13PM for two years, skipping 14s, and plan to keep my 15P for at least three years, pending a compelling update. I'm an enthusiast but I can't afford to keep buying stuff I don't get the most value from. I don't use cases, so I'm not stuck buying $100 of garbage from overseas to "protect" what is a tool, not my most precious possession.

I wouldn't say annual upgrades are a waste of money if you're really into it. I know people who lease cars for the dumbest reasons I can think of, and those are far higher expenses. If I'm being honest, I went to 15P for USBC, titanium, and the action button. I imagine plenty of people would find these reasons to be dumb.
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