Hi. I've just installed OS X 10.10 on my 13-inch Retina MacBook Pro. Since I have powered it on for the first time it has always been incredibly slow and unresponsive. Some examples:
- If I open System Preferences and click on a panel, I'll get a spinning wheel for about 20-30 seconds before the panel actually loads, and sometimes the app crashes
- It takes 15 seconds of spinning wheel to trash an *empty* folder
- iTunes takes about 30 seconds to open (vs. less than a second in Mavericks)
- I opened 5-6 tabs on Safari and the fans started spinning very fast and loudly (I have never heard the fans in Mavericks) and the computer started becoming hot
- I can't do Time Machine backups as it takes about 1 minute to backup 100 mb
- 97% memory is in use, basically without doing anything. Purging it didn't help.
I also can't turn the volume up and down (I get a prohibitory sign).
I checked activity monitor and I see that WindowServer is taking 40% CPU, which I don't think is normal.
Can you help me? Do you have a similar problem too?
- If I open System Preferences and click on a panel, I'll get a spinning wheel for about 20-30 seconds before the panel actually loads, and sometimes the app crashes
- It takes 15 seconds of spinning wheel to trash an *empty* folder
- iTunes takes about 30 seconds to open (vs. less than a second in Mavericks)
- I opened 5-6 tabs on Safari and the fans started spinning very fast and loudly (I have never heard the fans in Mavericks) and the computer started becoming hot
- I can't do Time Machine backups as it takes about 1 minute to backup 100 mb
- 97% memory is in use, basically without doing anything. Purging it didn't help.
I also can't turn the volume up and down (I get a prohibitory sign).
I checked activity monitor and I see that WindowServer is taking 40% CPU, which I don't think is normal.
Can you help me? Do you have a similar problem too?