UPDATE: If anyone wants to do this themselves, download this .zip I made! It should be easy to understand.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140737025/OS X Yosemite Theme - keremtezcan.zip
P.S. I think this works for ANY version of OS X. All you have to is make the dock 2D and change the icons, nothing needs to be installed!
However: In the link above, ignore Step 1, the system theme. That is Leopard ONLY. All that does is makes the buttons squared etc. like newer versions of OS X. There is no need to do this on newer versions of OS X, and it does not work with versions before 10.5.
Yes the title's a joke but check this out!
It didn't take very long either, if anyone wants to do this too, it's pretty simple.
Also, if anyone here knows how to change the menu bar (or anything else) to look Yosemite-esque, that would be great! Or even making the menu bar black would be good, because then it would match the dock.
https://dl.dropboxusercontent.com/u/140737025/OS X Yosemite Theme - keremtezcan.zip
P.S. I think this works for ANY version of OS X. All you have to is make the dock 2D and change the icons, nothing needs to be installed!
However: In the link above, ignore Step 1, the system theme. That is Leopard ONLY. All that does is makes the buttons squared etc. like newer versions of OS X. There is no need to do this on newer versions of OS X, and it does not work with versions before 10.5.
Yes the title's a joke but check this out!
It didn't take very long either, if anyone wants to do this too, it's pretty simple.
Also, if anyone here knows how to change the menu bar (or anything else) to look Yosemite-esque, that would be great! Or even making the menu bar black would be good, because then it would match the dock.
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