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macrumors 68040
Original poster
Jun 2, 2008
(NB I could be wrong as I haven't used Safari 8 admittedly)

I'm a power user with loads of tabs open that I need open whenever I use safari. I use glims as it does two things

-has favicons on the tab menu so you can easily see what tab is what

-squashes the tabs together to keep all the tabs in one window and shorten long webpage names
(picture attached)

Again, apple have taken design over usability and done this


Grey, empty, not as useable. Just like the vast amounts of white apple put into iOS 7. Now you have to constantly scroll and can't just LOOK at safari having all the tab in front of you. It's like Apple want people to scroll all the time with no reason but for images to look good in press shots. Look at the notification centre with iOS 7? If you're calendar has a few things in it, you have to scroll up and down. In iOS 6, it showed you everything on one page!

Having some colour with the fav icons really makes safari more usable. oh dear, it doesn't look Apple but I want to browse, not look pretty (or empty grey!). It also looks like you can't see the full URL anymore for longer naming.


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Good point, no idea why Apple seem so averse to color. Similar to their decision to go with a monochrome sidebar.
I don't really need those fav icons, they're nice like they're displayed in Camino but Safari has always been minimalistic so they just wouldn't fit well.
Yeah thats my problem too. Wanted to give Safari another chance with the cool functionality used it for a couple hours but for "power browsing" it doesnt cut it - have to keep using chrome.

The problem is you cant take a quick look what tab is what (favicons missing) and the spacing. Dont make them so big, and I really hate that those tabs have a dynamic size. Only 2 tabs open and these are spaced over the whole display. A couple more and you start scrolling. Too bad I really wanted to use Safari...
No god, I hate those icons. It's one of the reasons I actually use Safari cause they used to only in the URL bar, and now they only show up when you click it.

I just pinch to see all my tabs if I get confused, where I do think those icons could prove useful, but I'm so glad they aren't on tabs.
I don't really need those fav icons, they're nice like they're displayed in Camino but Safari has always been minimalistic so they just wouldn't fit well.

This is exactly the kind of comment that has no care for usability and only cares about look (as i stated in my first post).

Yeah thats my problem too. Wanted to give Safari another chance with the cool functionality used it for a couple hours but for "power browsing" it doesnt cut it - have to keep using chrome.

The problem is you cant take a quick look what tab is what (favicons missing) and the spacing. Dont make them so big, and I really hate that those tabs have a dynamic size. Only 2 tabs open and these are spaced over the whole display. A couple more and you start scrolling. Too bad I really wanted to use Safari...

Completely agree! There is no way to see all your tabs at once at a glance
I'm definitely missing Glims at the moment. Can't wait to see what they 'fix' in this new version of Safari.

Personally, I'm also not a fan of the centered favorites. Nor am I fan of the close/minimize/full screen buttons directly next to the back/forward arrows. I've closed out of Safari once or twice already because of habit of going to the side of the page to hit back.
I agree that tabs need icons. Glims works great for this. So as long as Glims is updated for Safari 8 I'll be happy. It's weird how important those icons really are. Without them it's impossible to tell tabs apart. Though I am looking forward to the Tab View page finally looking the way it should. I may just switch to not even using tabs at all and just use Tab View when I want to switch tabs. Even though Tab View doesn't have icons either, at least the thumbnails will help.
Yep, it may seem like a small thing to some but it's something that stops me using Safari even though I really like other things like the back and forward gestures animations etc.

I just get lost without fav icons
Maybe they can come as an option?
They haven't until now and Safari has been out for over 10 years and has had tabs for that long and they still haven't shown up. I'd love to believe but I don't hold my breath.

Yep, it may seem like a small thing to some but it's something that stops me using Safari even though I really like other things like the back and forward gestures animations etc.

I just get lost without fav icons
As I said above, I might actually just switch to not even having tabs shown and just use the Tab View button like I do on iOS. It might be a good compromise at least until Glims is updated.
An exemplary browser: Web

To me, this is close to perfect:


Source: GNOME 3.12 Released – See What's New [Video, Screenshots] | Admin Reso

Clean and simple.

The title, the address, and favicons on tabs.

A brief introduction to click behaviour: GNOME Web 3.11.90 released with new addressbar and improvements | fedoraFTW | fedora = free open-source

… when you visit a webpage the visited webpage's title and address become part of the headerbar, yet, if you click on it, the headerbar is shifted to an editable addressbar.

… compact without blocking the writing-into vital ability, properly gaining good looks without sacrificing usability. …

Apps/Web - GNOME Wiki!


My first encounter with Web (previously known as Epiphany) was around a week ago, with PC-BSD. Just one criticism of the essence of the app: unless I'm missing a trick, there's no support for bookmarklets.

I absolutely hate how Safari handles tabs in Safari 8, and this is absolutely the reason why. It used to be you'd get a drop down button on the right hand side when you needed to look at tabs that couldn't fit. Now you're forced to scroll through individual tabs until you find the one you're looking for.
I absolutely hate how Safari handles tabs in Safari 8, and this is absolutely the reason why. It used to be you'd get a drop down button on the right hand side when you needed to look at tabs that couldn't fit. Now you're forced to scroll through individual tabs until you find the one you're looking for.

That sounds really poor. I guess all we can do is report it here whilst we can during the beta stage!

I have already and pointed them to this thread and uploaded the pictures to illustrate
How are people finding navigating with safari 8?

So far I am not impressed with Safari 8 for multiple reasons, including this one.
  1. Tab grouping doesn't work as shown.
  2. A simple gif can cause a memory leak, seen in the youtube video below.
  3. Safari has this issue where it will hang, and my internet connection will get cut off for a few seconds--even in other apps. WiFi never drops and the router doesn't disconnect, but internet doesn't work on my computer for several seconds. I've seen this bug in Safari before, but not in several iterations.

Can't believe safari will be released in this state! It's a navigation mess
So far I am not impressed with Safari 8 for multiple reasons, including this one.
  1. Tab grouping doesn't work as shown.
  2. A simple gif can cause a memory leak, seen in the youtube video below.
  3. Safari has this issue where it will hang, and my internet connection will get cut off for a few seconds--even in other apps. WiFi never drops and the router doesn't disconnect, but internet doesn't work on my computer for several seconds. I've seen this bug in Safari before, but not in several iterations.

YouTube: video

It's a beta after all. They are still working out the kinks and bugs. For all we know, Favicons could return, submit it as a bug and see what happens.


Can't believe safari will be released in this state! It's a navigation mess

It's in beta still. They can still fix tab view and add favicons if they decide too. I didn't even notice the favicons were missing since Safari 7 doesn't have them either on the tabs.
Opinion and not everyone's gonna agree. It's perfect as far as i'm concerned. You DO realise you have a choice of browser right? Don't like Safari's way? Use another damn browser!

Also not every browser uses favicons like that. So it's a feature you like, you can request it but it doesn't NEED it. You just want/prefer it.
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However, Apple's favorites page, which is now the same as iOS 7/8 Mobile Safari, is a great use of the favicon.
However, this topic is about Safari 8.


This is about doing positive and making a suggestion to better Apple's software rather than users quietly go away and use something else. If nobody make any suggestion and fought for the best ideas, we wouldn't have anything great j800. Yes, anyone can use other software but that's not what it's about. It's about contributing. I'm lucky you're not my boss :)
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