Is this a good case? Or should I go with the belkin and buy that one?
Is this a good case? Or should I go with the belkin and buy that one?
my ipod touch is naked
I use a skin. I used it on my 5G iPod for almost 3 years until the logic board died. I put it on my iPod touch and it's nice having protection and being able to slide it in and out of my pocket and keep it's sleek form factor.
do you guys put the films on both the front and back if your planning to get a case still? or do you guys just put the film on the front?
I tried to put the Nu Form with the full body BG but it didn't fit. so I removed it.
I have the Nu Form on my ipod touch 2g and on the screen I have a Bodyguardz screen protector.
thanks for the response bro. also did your back film for your BG go on perfectly or did the edges not come out that good? did they stuck up or were they all sticking well and down?