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macrumors member
Jun 14, 2004
I'm currently using the 1.6.1 release of EyeTV with the USB unit - a coax connection to my roof top antenna and a composite connection to my freeview digital box (UK terrestrial digital service) as well.

Not sure how your cable company supplies you but certainly all the cable companies in the UK now ship digital boxes and tend not to allow any third party devices so the only way around might be to use the svideo to connect up to your cable box. It's not a great setup though and the service from (Titan in the States) won't fully work as you'll have to setup normal vcr type schedules on the cable box.

As far as storage goes - I've got a 160Gb Lacie drive attached, and when that fills up (you'll be surprised how quickly it does!) I archive off to DVD any interesting stuff.

I've found the software very easy to use, and with every release it's been getting steadily better -been using it for over a year now and other than the occasional glitch it's been good. the only disadvantage is that as of the 1.6 release of software a G4 processor is required.

I've been considering upgrading to the EyeTV 400/410 - one of my friends got one recently and the quality is much better and it will remove the need for me to attach to my digi box to get more than 5 channels (yes, TV in the UK is very backward - I mean we even have to pay a license to watch TV!)

don't know if anyone else has used it - they might be able to give better advise regarding using it with cable - the software / box I've got suggests it works with cable...


macrumors member
Mar 4, 2004
It's gotta be SubEthaEdit 2 - absolutely the best app ever. Launch Bar is also awesome. But with SubEthaEdit, the collaboration feature is just too cool - it's one of those things that Mac people can laugh over and over at Mac haters/PC lovers about :D



macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2004
Top thread idea. Here's my input:

• iTunes (post 3.0) - Smart playlists are one of the best inventions ever. While I know it's on Windows too, it's much more responsive, prettier, and just nicer on the Mac. Closing the window completely and having it still playing is something that as an ex-Windows user I just can't get used to.
• Butler - I love this little app. It's basically a launcher with other little add-ons like iTunes controllers and other little cool things. Highly recommended.
• Smallimage - Very versatile little app for resizing images. Great for webmasters who want to batch resize a bunch of digital photos for website use.
• Galerie - iPhoto homepages without .mac. Excellent app, right price (free) and very enjoyable.
• - Everything I've ever wanted in an email app, and it takes up less than half the screen on my iBook. Unbelievable.
• Adium - IM app. Best way to IM on the Mac (including iChat, which I hate.)

Those are pretty much all of them, I think. Although if Exposé was an app as opposed to being part of Panther, that would be my one and only choice. It's the best thing I've ever used on a computer, and that's no overstatement on my part.


macrumors 6502
May 18, 2003
Rehoboth Beach, De
Virtual PC...

Yuk Yuk couldnt resist
Canvas 8 - output good looking brochures quickly
Photoshop Elements - great tools for image editing cheaply
Filemaker - easy powerful databases
Nisus Writer Express - word processing

all are great programs with shallow learning curves


macrumors newbie
Oct 5, 2004
Stockholm, Sweden
I don't know why I felt the need to register an account souly based on that I wanted to reply to this thread but oh-well, I just want to add my opinion...

My favs:
Safari: good and stable webbrowser
BitTorrent: great P2P app, couldn't live without it
Terminal: (if you can call it an app) it's FUN :D
VLC player: best movie player there is, period.

I've seen some people name iPhoto, I can't for the life of me see why!? it's and annoying waste of space!
And iTunes, OK it's a nice player but it's nothing speciel, what's the big deal, I actualy preferd MacAmp Lite in the "old" days to any other player, it feals like that's actualy all you need in an mp3 player, or?

Also my favoit app of all times... Napster in it's glory days, what I wouldn't give to get that back :(


macrumors regular
Aug 29, 2004

I recently found out about Growl ( ) which is a global notification system for Mac OS X. Any application can send a notification to Growl, which will display an attractive message on your screen. Growl currently works with a growing number of applications.

i am not related to growl in anyway, i just like it and seem to find that nobody here ever mentioned it, so would like to share my new find. ;)


macrumors 601
Jan 8, 2004
Back in the motherland
whiteangel said:
I recently found out about Growl ( ) which is a global notification system for Mac OS X. Any application can send a notification to Growl, which will display an attractive message on your screen. Growl currently works with a growing number of applications.

i am not related to growl in anyway, i just like it and seem to find that nobody here ever mentioned it, so would like to share my new find. ;)

The concept of this app is ingenious (ok, maybe not that great, but still :D ) This is something Apple should really consider implementing and ecouraging 3rd party plug-ins, etc.


macrumors 6502
May 20, 2003
Anchorage, Alaska USA
My favorites:

Music: iTunes


database: Filemaker Pro 7.0

spreadsheets: Excel

word processing: Word

Web design: BBEdit (because WYSIWYG sucks! :D )

OS: Mac OS-X version 10.3.5

IM: Yahoo Messenger

Games: Max Payne, Call of Duty

CD burning: Roxio Toast 6.0

Shell: bash

Digital imaging: Photoshop Elements 3.0 (iPhoto sucks IMHO)

Browsers: Safari, Firefox, Mozilla

File sharing: AquisitionX

I could go on, but that would take to much space! :)


macrumors 6502a
Aug 19, 2004
Favorite third-party apps:

1. Quicksilver (Free)
2. Streamripper (Free)
3. Stattoo ($13)
4. Adium (Free)
5. Meteorologist (Free)
6. iTunes Monitor (Free)

I don't know if I like 'em cuz I like 'em, or if I like 'em cuz they're free ;)

Favorite OS X app: iCal, hands down :)


macrumors 6502
Jul 6, 2004
Nagoya, Japan
In case not everyone is sick of reading these lists, here's mine: :)

skEdit (great html editor)
Sketchup (nice 3D program that's easy to use)
VNCThing (lets me operate my other computers from a Mac window)
DVD Studio Pro

Transmit (best FTP client on any platform)
Unison (best Usenet client on any platform)
NetNewsWire (RSS feeds)

Goban (terrific Go program)

mad jew

Moderator emeritus
Apr 3, 2004
Adelaide, Australia
VPC - As much as I love 10.3, it's good to have a look around at the competition (Windows, Linux etc). Even if it's just to remind me how well Apple has done with Panther...

iLife - Ok, newish to OSX and to be honest, I don't know how I survived without my computer keeping track of my life!


macrumors 6502
Jan 4, 2004
South Eastern MA
Maya 6 complete is very fun to use. I feel like I'm actually doing something useful on my computer when I use it, as opposed to organizing my iTunes library. I also love iTunes, and I can tell Photoshop CS would be awesome if I knew how to use it :p


macrumors member
Oct 12, 2004
Browser: Safari
Word Processing: Word 2004
Spreadsheets and Graphs: Excel 2004
Graphics: Photoshop CS
Instant Messaging: iChat + iCAR + iProfile
Web Design: Dreamweaver MX 2004
Music: iTunes
Shoutcasting: NiceCast
IRC: Snak
FTP: Transmit
Artwork: Corel Painter IX
Torrents: Tomato Torrent
SSH2: Terminal

I tried to find the best Windows equivalents to the apps I used on my old PC, and I think this is a pretty good, comprehensive list.
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