In fairness to them, they were discontinued before OS X even came out. That wasn't the fault of the design decisions made when they came out - but rather the development decisions of OS X to make it so slow on older hardware.
In OS 9, they were perfectly usable. (And they could run OS X passably well, the system RAM was far more important to early OS X versions than video chip.) The hinge design was "iffy" at best, though. (Still not nearly as bad as the PowerBook 5300 series/190 series hinge design, though.)
Edit: And 7.8 pounds was on the light side for "desktop replacement" laptops of the day. Ultra-lights were just starting to come out, and they tended to have two-generation old CPUs. (I bought an "ultra light" in 1999 that had a Pentium MMX, when "desktop replacement" laptops had Pentium IIIs.)