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Your top 3 Final Fantasy game

  • Final Fantasy I

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Final Fantasy II

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy III

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy IV

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Final Fantasy V

    Votes: 1 8.3%
  • Final Fantasy VI

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Final Fantasy VII

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Final Fantasy VIII

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Final Fantasy IX

    Votes: 4 33.3%
  • Final Fantasy X

    Votes: 7 58.3%
  • Final Fantasy XI

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Final Fantasy XII

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Final Fantasy XIII

    Votes: 3 25.0%
  • Final Fantasy XIV

    Votes: 2 16.7%
  • Final Fantasy XV

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters


macrumors G3
Original poster
Feb 22, 2020
Inspired by the FF8 remastered release on iOS, I guess we can have a thread nerding out on the main Final Fantasy series. The poll will be based only on the main series, and numbering using the Japanese numbering.

My top 3 are FF VIII, X, and XIII. Definitely not the popular opinions, but those are my favorites. :D
I love love stories, so 8 and 10 are in. 8 imo has the best OST, followed by 13. I really like the battle/paradigm system in FF13. Honorable mention is FF VI. It's one of the best stories in FF I've ever played.

My first intro to FF was FF7. I never played a J-RPG before, and 7 imo has one of the easiest system, allowing newcomers to adapt to the game quickly. The materia system is simple, easy to understand (whoever has a materia can use it, no specific class). It also helps that it is the first FF with FMVs and 3D graphics. But story was kinda weak imo in the delivery, especially once I start to delve into the older Final Fantasies (namely 6) via emulators. Even 4 imo has a better story-telling than 7.

A lot of people like FF9. I can understand those who grew up with the classic FF from 1 to 6 will find great nostalgia on FF9. But I myself still have not finished 9 (it's still on my phone). I found it to be quite challenging and super grindy (if that's a word, meaning have to grind a lot).

I never played XI, XII, nor XV. So can't comment on those.

What what are your favs and you own experience playing the Final Fantasy series?
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Reactions: alimama
I only played FF XIV and I have no comparison to the rest of the games - but Final Fantasy quickly won my heart and if they release another part I will definitely buy this game
8,10,12. (Honorable mention I really liked 6)

I don’t like 7. The story is stupid and feel people love it out of nostalgia. Or it’s the first rpg they ever played. I played the remake. While combat is much better the story is even worse than before. It’s a japaneserpg the story is what needs to sell you.

I loved 8. I don’t understand the hate towards Squall. He is literally Cloud with a shotgun sword. He is more fleshed out and actually grows as a character by the end. The side characters are all awesome. The card game was really fun too once you learned how to play it. I guess people don’t like it because it’s a love story and because the main villain gets mentioned in the last 5 hours of the game. 1st and last cut scene of this game are epic. I never watched the full credits until YouTube . I know squall doesn’t die at the end but was a neat little after credit scene I wasn’t expecting. I had beaten the game at least 5 times and never noticed it

9 I just didn’t like the characters and felt to cartoony. I bought it in different systems and tried to play it. I always lose interest after the 1st disk

10 - so I dislike tidus. Still the supporting cast is great. The story is awesome and loved the gameplay at the time. Loved that you don’t have to play as tidus. Ending + plot twist was cool. Even X-2 was really fun. That story was a bit more goofy but the game play and the fact you could change costumes/character class was fun.

12 - loved the story. I actually played it after 13. This came out at the end of the ps3 and I had traded it in by that point. Story is great as well as the combat.

13- god this game broke me. It was so linear. I hated all the characters especially the black guy. It was like what was the casting call. Please do most offensive black voice. I got to the end. Then YouTubed the ending said it wasn’t worth it and gave up. Bad combat, characters and story. Then played fallout for the first time. Totally gave up on J RPGs
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Reactions: Macalicious2011
Oh dear. I feel bad for not having played any of these games. All this information is handy in helping me decide which game of the franchise to play.

Some are currently on sale in the Xbox store.
I'll be honest, FFVI will be my favorite, as it was my first foray into Final Fantasy. With XIV/ARR and XIII being a close second and 3rd.

XIV/ARR is easily one of my favorite modern games. especially when you count the Heavenward and Shadowbringers expansions.

I still think XIII got more hate than it deserved, I kinda wish it'd get a FF7R style remake.
Hey! Great thread! I love nerding out about the Final Fantasy series. My top 3 are FF VII, X, and XII. I think everyone has their own favorites, and it's cool to see how different people's preferences are. I also like how you broke down each game, you know your stuff!
It's hard to pick three, since most of them have their own strenghts and weaknesses. I love FF7 because it was my first JRPG like many other back in the days on the PSX. I've only started digging into the older ones after finishing FFX on the PS2 and I've played the old school version of the old games and the 3D-remakes. So I've picked FFVII, FFIX & FFIV.

But I still have some titles that I've never played: FFX-2 & FFXV. Mostly due to lack of time and too many games to play and I must say that I'm looking forward to FFXVI...
I really enjoyed so many of them. I got FF7 new when it came out. It was a BIG DEAL at the time. I have to say that FF X is probably my overall favorite. It was the first game in the series that was linear but the characters and storyline were just a total home run. You could totally tell what the ending was going to be like as you got closer and closer, it was a total gut puncher. But when it actually happens, nothing can prepare you for it even though you know it’s coming. I really like what they did with X-2 to deliver some closure to the story. I thought XV was really good too. The themes of friendship in life and death, etc were really played out well
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