Inspired by the FF8 remastered release on iOS, I guess we can have a thread nerding out on the main Final Fantasy series. The poll will be based only on the main series, and numbering using the Japanese numbering.
My top 3 are FF VIII, X, and XIII. Definitely not the popular opinions, but those are my favorites.
I love love stories, so 8 and 10 are in. 8 imo has the best OST, followed by 13. I really like the battle/paradigm system in FF13. Honorable mention is FF VI. It's one of the best stories in FF I've ever played.
My first intro to FF was FF7. I never played a J-RPG before, and 7 imo has one of the easiest system, allowing newcomers to adapt to the game quickly. The materia system is simple, easy to understand (whoever has a materia can use it, no specific class). It also helps that it is the first FF with FMVs and 3D graphics. But story was kinda weak imo in the delivery, especially once I start to delve into the older Final Fantasies (namely 6) via emulators. Even 4 imo has a better story-telling than 7.
A lot of people like FF9. I can understand those who grew up with the classic FF from 1 to 6 will find great nostalgia on FF9. But I myself still have not finished 9 (it's still on my phone). I found it to be quite challenging and super grindy (if that's a word, meaning have to grind a lot).
I never played XI, XII, nor XV. So can't comment on those.
What what are your favs and you own experience playing the Final Fantasy series?
My top 3 are FF VIII, X, and XIII. Definitely not the popular opinions, but those are my favorites.
I love love stories, so 8 and 10 are in. 8 imo has the best OST, followed by 13. I really like the battle/paradigm system in FF13. Honorable mention is FF VI. It's one of the best stories in FF I've ever played.
My first intro to FF was FF7. I never played a J-RPG before, and 7 imo has one of the easiest system, allowing newcomers to adapt to the game quickly. The materia system is simple, easy to understand (whoever has a materia can use it, no specific class). It also helps that it is the first FF with FMVs and 3D graphics. But story was kinda weak imo in the delivery, especially once I start to delve into the older Final Fantasies (namely 6) via emulators. Even 4 imo has a better story-telling than 7.
A lot of people like FF9. I can understand those who grew up with the classic FF from 1 to 6 will find great nostalgia on FF9. But I myself still have not finished 9 (it's still on my phone). I found it to be quite challenging and super grindy (if that's a word, meaning have to grind a lot).
I never played XI, XII, nor XV. So can't comment on those.
What what are your favs and you own experience playing the Final Fantasy series?