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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 15, 2012
So I always put some type of Zagg screen protector on all my iDevices. I have the Glass on my 6 plus and I received one for my Air 2 last night. I put it on perfectly aligned and did my very best to ensure no dust was underneath. What happened? There was a large piece of dust right in the middle of the screen. So I either had to live with it.... or get it replaced and try again. I was not going to live with it so I attempted to remove the dust (knowing full well it was most likely going to be worse) and yes, it made things worse. So now I have the protector on with several other pieces of dust and I am not going to remove it until the replacement comes and I try once more. I usually do a very good job with these installs so hopefully my second try goes better. If not, I might just go naked. But I hate how much fingerprints the new coating attracts on the Air 2. The Zagg Glass does an excellent job of repelling fingerprints.

Anyone else using? How did your install go?


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
I installed the zagg glass yesterday. First attempt left a few pieces of dust under it. I then lifted corner by corner while someone held down the opposing corners so it wouldn't completely come up to get as much dust as possible. Still have a few specs around the bezel and one or two on the screen. I ordered a replacement from zagg. I've gotten iPhone installs down perfectly, but the larger screen makes things more difficult.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 15, 2012
Agreed. I have a replacement coming, so I am going to give it another shot. It is pretty tough with such a large screen. With that said, I never had any issues with the other Zagg protectors because once I knew the device was dust free, I sprayed it down and applied the protector very quickly because I knew if I had it wet enough I could slide it around so that it was on precisely. With the Glass you can't slide it around, you have to take your time lowering the protector down, which allows for more time for dust to fall onto the screen. It's all about luck I guess!


macrumors 68040
Apr 10, 2003
So I had this, and I took it off, it removes the anti glare properties and adds a very strange reflective depth to it.

I have been using the glass covers since they arrived on the scene but for this one unfortunately it's too much of a detriment

Mine was on with no dust, I placed it while I was standing in the kitchen under the hood fan. I've found that to be Better even than a humid bathroom.


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Mar 15, 2012
I received my replacement and thankfully, I applied it perfectly with zero dust underneath. I could not have aligned it any better. I love the way it looks and feels. The naked air screen is a nasty finger print/oil magnet and with the glass on, the screen looks great even after extended use.


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
I received my replacement and thankfully, I applied it perfectly with zero dust underneath. I could not have aligned it any better. I love the way it looks and feels. The naked air screen is a nasty finger print/oil magnet and with the glass on, the screen looks great even after extended use.
Glad to hear. Looking to get my replacement in the next day or 2.


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
Thanks. Good luck with your next install!
So I finally got my replacement. They ended up sending me the wrong one (got that the day after you got yours). They sent me the correct one and I got it today. Got it all aligned and installed absolutely perfect. Can't find a single blemish. Super stoked. I typically get my iPhone's installed perfectly, but that is so much easier in comparison. iPad screen size is a dust magnet waiting to happen.


macrumors 68040
Apr 10, 2003
How do you cope with the incredibly deep reflections it adds on top of the laminated screens? I had these since inception on all my iPads until this one which I just couldn't deal with his bad it was. Not just reflections like a 3D shine


macrumors G5
Nov 20, 2008
How do you cope with the incredibly deep reflections it adds on top of the laminated screens? I had these since inception on all my iPads until this one which I just couldn't deal with his bad it was. Not just reflections like a 3D shine
I don't see it on either of my devices. Or I just don't notice it. I've always used a screen protector. Since my iPad 2 and iPhone 3G.


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
How do you cope with the incredibly deep reflections it adds on top of the laminated screens? I had these since inception on all my iPads until this one which I just couldn't deal with his bad it was. Not just reflections like a 3D shine

I don't see those, either, and the glass screen protector avoids the fingerprint magnet effect with the anti-reflective coating on the screen. I think they're a net plus but YMMV.


macrumors 68040
Apr 10, 2003
i've also always used them, if there is any light source I just find it unbearable, because the reflection is so deep due to the laminated screen and ag treatment. Well good for you two i guess for not noticing it - maybe i'm going nuts, i never had an issue with it on any other ipad


macrumors G3
Oct 15, 2014
East of Eden
Or maybe different lighting, or maybe you've got Superman vision (not being sarcastic). If I've learned nothing else at MR :rolleyes: it's that people have different experiences with the same hardware and software. :)


macrumors 601
Jan 1, 2011
L.A. (Lower Alabama)
I've given up on Zagg, and most of the other big name brands. Dust happens. It's not worth the price tag to me to risk it. I've been getting the cheap glass protectors from aliexpress for a few dollars, and they work just fine. If an install goes wrong, I don't worry about just starting over with a new one, and when I have the occasional oups and the protector cracks instead of my precious iPad, I just pull out a new one and apply.
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