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macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 9, 2012
My daughters iphone 6s won't boot up. She said it "might" have got wet. I've looked and looked and it looks like it's ok. Everything says it should be red but looks white.

Hoping someone who has seen a few of these and can see this pic and offer an opinion?


macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2015
Often you can't see liquid damage.....need to take the phone apart to see if it has damage. Is it pure water that your daughter thinks has spilled over it?


macrumors newbie
Original poster
Mar 9, 2012
Often you can't see liquid damage.....need to take the phone apart to see if it has damage. Is it pure water that your daughter thinks has spilled over it?

Pure water. Didn't even get dropped in water. She reached out of the shower to change the song and the shower squirted the screen a little. I wouldn't think that would be enough to cause water damage but didn't want to take a chance. It's just goes to white boot screen. I can put it in DFU mode and try to restore but after 10-15 minutes with the status bar on the iphone not moving iTunes errors out with either 6 or 4013.



macrumors regular
Feb 5, 2015
Pure water. Didn't even get dropped in water. She reached out of the shower to change the song and the shower squirted the screen a little. I wouldn't think that would be enough to cause water damage but didn't want to take a chance. It's just goes to white boot screen. I can put it in DFU mode and try to restore but after 10-15 minutes with the status bar on the iphone not moving iTunes errors out with either 6 or 4013.


Just water should not cause that problem, considering there are no chemicals in it...
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