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macrumors 6502
Jun 13, 2009
When I am on the songs tab, is there a way to put Artwork cover on the left bottom of the sidebar like it was on the older itunes?

Overall I think it's a good update.


macrumors newbie
Oct 31, 2012
Only thing thats annoying as hell is "add up next window" with "Play Song/Clear Songs" option. They should've set it as a preference option.

I just don't understand why this dialogue is there. It's really irritating and completely pointless.

Why would wanting to play a track immediately force a dialogue asking you if you want to clear the list? Really weird in my opinion and spoils what is an otherwise very nice replacement for iTunes DJ functionality.


macrumors regular
Nov 15, 2007
Anyone notice that scrolling with a mouse feels slower than before? With the trackpad it is great, just like you'd expect, however with my Logitech mouse it's really slow, requiring many turns of the mouse wheel to scroll up and down. It definitely differs from say Finder or Chrome.


macrumors member
Oct 30, 2012
In my podcasts, there's a ridiculous amount of blank space. With iTunes maximized on my secondary 1280x1024 monitor, each podcast is spaced out so that I can only see 9 titles.

If I change to 'list' view, I can see 38 titles. Not sure why the 'podcasts' view has so much empty space


Mar 21, 2011
can you guys stop posting, so I can post to others ? Every i get emailed, i feel i have to see it on the site. :)


macrumors 68020
May 28, 2009
Montreal, Canada
Just made this matte aluminium iTunes 11 icon since I didn't like the super glossy new one.

Sharing it in case some of you like it better as well.


To assign it as iTunes' icon, right click on iTunes in the Applications folder and click on Get Info, then copy and paste the image.


macrumors 68000
Sep 10, 2010
Orange County CA
The entire iTunes music store on a rMBP 13" is extremely messed up. All the graphics and proportions are way off the screen.


Just made this matte aluminium iTunes 11 icon since I didn't like the super glossy new one.

Sharing it in case some of you like it better as well.

To assign it as iTunes' icon, right click on iTunes in the Applications folder and click on Get Info, then copy and paste the image.

Can you just make the song note blue and leave everything else the same? I could do it, but one, I'm lazy and two, I'm at work.


macrumors G3
May 31, 2007
Florida, USA
For a while, the mini-player was showing artist-track info, then on mouseover it would show the controls.

Now it's only showing the controls. Anyone else having this issue? I can't figure out how to get it back to the old behavior.


macrumors 68040
Sep 8, 2009
How does the streaming from the cloud for movies/TV shows work? Does it work pretty good?


macrumors member
Nov 9, 2009
No dark grid or resizing artwork in Albums view? :mad:

How hard can it be, Apple?

(This must have been a real mess if this is the best they can do after delaying for another month)


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
Looks really slick, love the design! Really minimalistic, yet tasteful and functional, classic Apple. If the new iTunes is in any way representing the look OS X is going for in the future, I'm sold :)

P.S. Love the mini-player view.

P.P.S. I wonder if we are already seeing some of the Ive's influence in there?

Completely agree. I've been disappointed by the aesthetic direction Apple seemed to be headed in several of its recent software releases, but am so far thrilled with this one. Also, as you're suggesting, this seems to show a somewhat different thought process about certain parts of the interface (some new elements, more color, more flexibility). My initial impression is that this could be one of the most polished major roll-outs Apple has had in a while. :D


macrumors member
Aug 12, 2011
Please help I like know if apple tv 3 still working fine with this new itunes 11 also about the 5.1 audio before update my imac thanks


macrumors G4
Sep 15, 2011
Vilano Beach, FL
Just made this matte aluminium iTunes 11 icon since I didn't like the super glossy new one.

Sharing it in case some of you like it better as well.


To assign it as iTunes' icon, right click on iTunes in the Applications folder and click on Get Info, then copy and paste the image.


Thanks :)


macrumors 68040
Jul 11, 2009
Just made this matte aluminium iTunes 11 icon since I didn't like the super glossy new one.

Sharing it in case some of you like it better as well.


To assign it as iTunes' icon, right click on iTunes in the Applications folder and click on Get Info, then copy and paste the image.

Nice work.


macrumors 65816
Jun 30, 2007
BUGS I've noticed...

* Go To Current Song (Command-L) doesn't work. At all. From the menu, command-key, or the popup menus. Kind of a problem.
* When in list mode on a playlist, I cannot turn off the Column Browser. In fact, all menu options for that feature are greyed out.

Not a bug, but my first big frown -- they seem to have killed the artwork view in the sidebar. That was the main way I viewed artwork while listening to music. Now I'd have to what, be in Grid view all the time? No thanks.


macrumors 68020
Jun 14, 2009
For a while, the mini-player was showing artist-track info, then on mouseover it would show the controls.

Now it's only showing the controls. Anyone else having this issue? I can't figure out how to get it back to the old behavior.

I guess there's still some bugs as mine is always showing the controls and never showed the artist/track info…


macrumors 68000
Jan 12, 2006
Leeds, UK
Doesn't it still require a Facebook login if you don't have an early account? Believe it or not, a lot of people simply don't use Facebook.
I don't think it does. It's hard for me to test as I use fb and Spotify Premium. And even if it does, it would be easy to set up an account just to use Spotify (even with false info if you wanted) and turn off things like the fb sharing.

Ahh, from wikipedia: "On 26 September 2011, it was announced that all new accounts would require users to access via a Facebook login[61] but the sign-up restriction was later removed on 30 August 2012, giving users a choice to either log in with Facebook or create a Spotify username. "


macrumors 6502
Jan 4, 2008
Stuttgart, Germany
I like this new version.

It's considerably faster than iTunes 10.7 on my cMBP (mid-2012).

The 'default' view is virtually how I used to have iTunes set up anyway, so I must have been doing something right.

The new album view is good, and I like the background colour being derived from the album art.

The layout, once you get used to it (which took me about five minutes) seems a bit more 'logical', and although they seem to have removed some features, overall this seems a solid release.


macrumors 6502a
Dec 22, 2009
Redcar, England
I like it. It's fast, modern, and works. Which is surprising of Apple of late.

So is this truly a brand new from the ground up iTunes, or just the old one with a new UI?
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