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macrumors 6502
Sep 18, 2012
Just spoke to a Regional Manager at my local store and she said of course said no 6+ were available.

What bugs me is her "I haven't heard that" response when I asked her about later pre-order times getting i6+ before early preorder times.

When I mentioned Premier her response was suspect. She said new preorders are looking at Nov dates right now. Best just hang on to your orders guys and wait.

Edit: Oh, and my wife's 6 just came in the mail so it's all but certain I'm in the lurch today for getting my 6+.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2014
There is.

Cut them off from your wallet.

Problem solved.

Although this seems like the most logical solution, in a way, it is the the least logical. Yes, moving your service to other carrier and stopping the money flow will definitely get their attention, but we won't because most of us are already committed at this point. They got us by the balls with the pre-order and people will rarely hit that cancel button unless they got a + from the store this morning. It is absolute garbage way of running a business and we need to figure out a way to make them accountable for their mistakes.


macrumors 6502a
Jun 27, 2010
Well, let's all say it: ***ck you AT&T. Let's hope you will go out of business and all your LTE antennas would go on fire.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2014
lol to the lawsuit thing...

reminds me of when the iPad 4 was announced a few months after iPad 3... One of my co-workers starts ranting about how he is gonna sue Apple and there are going to be huge lawsuits... Per him Apple has set the standard with 12 months between iPad releases and that by doing it after 6 or whatever they broke a contract with him in some way...



macrumors 6502a
Jan 30, 2010
There was a Fedex truck in front of my house like 15 minutes ago :mad: I was asleep and woke up when he drove away. I almost lost my mind.

They leave a note if they didn't deliver something, right? Because maybe he was there for my neighbor. At least I'm hoping.


macrumors member
Jul 16, 2014
What an embarrassment that their premier system is so screwed up for so long. What a joke.

when i logged in early on thur the 12th i didnt even have a premier store tab in my profile. So they had to create a "ticket" to fix it but even after there fix all of the apple products were grayed out and unable to purchase I could not even get a iphone 5s


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2014
fedex just dropped my wives 6 off. He didn't have a box for me. #.

Her 6 is nice but after holding it I am glad I ordered the 6+ and it will be worth the wait.


macrumors member
Jan 12, 2004
I don't give a ******* if I receive an iPhone today what I care about is that AT&T should at least have the courtesy tell us when is it going to ship our iPhone's so we don't go online every five minutes to refresh our status or bank account for any updates, it's pissing me off.

Do you not have an estimated ship date when you check your order status?


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014
Happens to me all the time, but figure I am a minority and learn to suck it up. Never upset ever since. My Iphone is at my door steps now....

Glad you got your phone. Smiley faces on that.

But being content about the "pay no mind list". Sad faces on that.


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2014
Do you not have an estimated ship date when you check your order status?

The issue is that estimated ship date is full of ****, when people receive their tracking number who ordered hours later, then what the **** is the point?


macrumors member
Jun 15, 2010
Also emailed the CEO yesterday. Assistant named Laura returned my call. She just apologized and admitted Premier is screwed up.

She claims that there was a glitch in the system with Premier that got people out of the order they placed orders. I told her this is the 2nd time I have had my order screwed up by Premier. 2 years ago IPHONE 5 launch I was in backorder hell forever. Both times I placed my order as soon as the site opened. This time 12 minutes early. She basically said Premier's system is messed up and they need to upgrade it and haven't. Said there is nothing she can do for me but cancel my order, and I need to go through the appropriate channels with my concerns. I told her I tried and after waiting an hour and talking to an idiot, was told a supervisor would call back and it never happened. She just apologized again, and suggested next time to wait a month to order a phone when they had them in stock. :mad:

If they know that Premier screwed up why in the heck didn't they go ahead and bump those orders back to the original times? It's not rocket science.


macrumors 68030
Sep 15, 2014
I am as mad at this whole thing as much as the next guy. Yes people who ordered after me 11:52pm PST (which is almost everybody) are getting theirs before me. But the reason why is 64gb 6+ SG is the model that everybody wants so their is just not enough stock for everybody. I bet most of the orders that were filled who ordered after us are all silver and gold. All my friends were waiting to see my new iPhone so they could decide if they wanted one and now I have nothing to show. although I do understand why I am still giving you The big middle finger ATT.. But hey, at least we learned something this go around and will never deal with this again from this company......


macrumors member
Sep 16, 2014
Bayonne, NJ
Mr. Martin:

I am in receipt this afternoon of your communication to Chairman Stephenson and will be investigating to see if your order was hampered, delayed or processed incorrectly.

You can expect a call from me after my investigation is complete.

I can be reached at this email address or my office number is listed below.

Best regards,

Tom Roswick
Manager, Executive Response

no one has responded back to my email


macrumors member
Sep 18, 2014
I am as mad at this whole thing as much as the next guy. Yes people who ordered after me 11:52pm PST (which is almost everybody) are getting theirs before me. But the reason why is 64gb 6+ SG is the model that everybody wants so their is just not enough stock for everybody. I bet most of the orders that were filled who ordered after us are all silver and gold. All my friends were waiting to see my new iPhone so they could decide if they wanted one and now I have nothing to show. although I do understand why I am still giving you The big middle finger ATT.. But hey, at least we learned something this go around and will never deal with this again from this company......

Not entirely true, Iphone+ 64GB SG had been shipped out on Wednesday to people who ordered 7~10 hours later. I'm sure the stock was an issue too but if they were going to send it out, people like us who ordered before it went live should have received it first.


macrumors member
Sep 17, 2014
There was a Fedex truck in front of my house like 15 minutes ago :mad: I was asleep and woke up when he drove away. I almost lost my mind.

They leave a note if they didn't deliver something, right? Because maybe he was there for my neighbor. At least I'm hoping.

Yes, they leave a note. FedEx just dropped my wives off and didn't even have me sign. He knocked on the door and by the time I got there he was half way to the truck and had left the box at the door.


Jul 25, 2013
Although this seems like the most logical solution, in a way, it is the the least logical. Yes, moving your service to other carrier and stopping the money flow will definitely get their attention, but we won't because most of us are already committed at this point. They got us by the balls with the pre-order and people will rarely hit that cancel button unless they got a + from the store this morning. It is absolute garbage way of running a business and we need to figure out a way to make them accountable for their mistakes.

Sounds like most people want a 6+ more than they want to make ATT hurt.

Otherwise you're basically admitting that they haven't crossed a line yet and people will still tolerate them as long as they get their product (even within a reasonable period of time).

Plenty of people on these forums have said in the past few days that they've canceled with ATT over this debacle/shoddy customer service and went on to other carriers.

And I'm saying this as an ATT customer, too. I'm annoyed at ATT, yes. My order was processed at 08:55 UTC (guess that's international-speak for 03:55 CDT) and while my order has bumped up twice from 10/31-11/11 to 10/2-10/13, my order status has remained the same since the 12th with no tracking updates as of now.

I've got work at 14:30 so I can't sit around the house all day seeing if it'll arrive and just having ATT give me a tracking number would be a great consolation.


macrumors newbie
Sep 18, 2014
Went out and got it

I to went through the pre order process, with an original ship date of 7 to 14 days. Never got an email to confirm, ship date is October 13 to 22. So I figured I needed to go to att store to get 1, got there at 3:40 pm yesterday was first in line my daughter was second and we both walked away with them at 8 this morning ( me a 64 gig space grey and her a silver 64 gig both 6+). There were about 40 people in line and only 15 6 pluses, there were a lot of bummed people. My son waited 8 hours in line and at 7:40 this morning they told them they had no 6+. I swear I've never seen more of a bunch of whiners than the people on this thread. Ps the 6+ is all I thought it to be!!!


macrumors 6502
Jun 28, 2010
I to went through the pre order process, with an original ship date of 7 to 14 days. Never got an email to confirm, ship date is October 13 to 22. So I figured I needed to go to att store to get 1, got there at 3:40 pm yesterday was first in line my daughter was second and we both walked away with them at 8 this morning ( me a 64 gig space grey and her a silver 64 gig both 6+). There were about 40 people in line and only 15 6 pluses, there were a lot of bummed people. My son waited 8 hours in line and at 7:40 this morning they told them they had no 6+. I swear I've never seen more of a bunch of whiners than the people on this thread. Ps the 6+ is all I thought it to be!!!

Ok bye


macrumors 65816
Sep 16, 2012
Where's the remote?

You make an excellent point. I know there was no 'law' broken, but as a customer, we can't just let ATT get away with like this. There has to be something we can do as collective customers to hold them accountable and make it hurt so they won't make this mistake ever again.

I really want to make it hurt for them.

The most frustrating part of this is really our powerlessness to get AT&T to act, to do something tangible for us. Like maybe just tell us where our damn phones are. Give us an idea of what's going on behind the scenes so that we at least know what the hold-up is.

I'm not really angry about this, just disappointed. I stayed up late the night before an early flight and it turns out I could have slept in and gotten the same result. It's not the end of the world, but it's a letdown. Many of us here are very enthusiastic about our Apple devices and it's just disappointing that we wont be able to have fun with them for another couple weeks.

And the internet was invented for two, maybe three, things: LOLcats, bitching, and making it possible for everyone to know we're righter about everything than everyone else.

So let it rip, boys and girls. Let it rip.


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macrumors regular
Sep 18, 2014
I am as mad at this whole thing as much as the next guy. Yes people who ordered after me 11:52pm PST (which is almost everybody) are getting theirs before me. But the reason why is 64gb 6+ SG is the model that everybody wants so their is just not enough stock for everybody. I bet most of the orders that were filled who ordered after us are all silver and gold. All my friends were waiting to see my new iPhone so they could decide if they wanted one and now I have nothing to show. although I do understand why I am still giving you The big middle finger ATT.. But hey, at least we learned something this go around and will never deal with this again from this company......

Sounds about right. Really its BS they only offer 1 model w/o the ugly azz white front. I hate that crap and the only way to avoid it is with SG. I would have gladly taken Silver with a black front.
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