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macrumors 6502
Daveman Deluxe said:
I don't mean to be a wet blanket on the thread, but if you've got an invite to give away, why not consider donating it to a member of the U.S. military stationed overseas via ?

Because I want to reward good choices (becoming a Mac user) not bad ones (joining the armed forces). I realize the categorization of choices as "good" and "bad" is very subjective, but as I don't have an obligation to either side, I can ascribe whatever normative value I like, and make my personal judgments thereupon.

Google is more likely to be responsive to Mac users if a large (read disproportionate) number of their users are leaving behind platform data reading "Mac OS X". So I benefit by handing out these invitations.

I'm sorry to respond to you at this length, but I'm tired of the near-deification of the military. I've met many servicepeople, and they uniformily say "hey, I'm just doing a job". Treat them as they are; generally barely highschool educated blue collar workers working in a dangerous field. Skyscraper construction crews, oil-platform people, private rent-a-cops in dangerous neighborhoods all put themselves in harm's way, and these days I probably get more net benefit out of their activities than those of "our boys and girls in uniform".



macrumors newbie
Aug 12, 2004
I could do with a gmail account too... and then "Pay It Forward" of course if I get the chance....


Many thanks quidire - I've now got my new email address. I'll pass on any invites I get!


macrumors 65816
7 left

anyone who posted a request before page 8, that I didn't already msg, please PM me for a request, if I have any left, I'll start with the oldest post date (except the "1'st MR" post is a request people. ;) )

basically, existing members who've been waiting get first shot. :)

edit2: 2 left. :)


macrumors 6502a
Jul 28, 2003
To repay my "pay it forward" I have 3 invites to give to people who are interested. PM me


macrumors 68040
Apr 3, 2003
after two months of waiting for invites, i finally got one. since this forum enabled me to obtain the account to begin with, i'd like to invite someone who's been waiting.

nevermind, just PM me. the first one gets the invite.


macrumors regular
Mar 12, 2004
Surrey, England
I have 3 invites which I'd be happy to dish out. As above, people who've already posted requests will receive preferential treatment, as long as they point out to me where the request was made.

If I don't get any from such users I'll open it up to the forum.

Just PM and chance your arm!


macrumors 604
Jul 16, 2002
back in NYC!
Oh wow - my old email service '' upgraded their service about a month ago, and my email was deleted - kind of. I can access it via SMTP, but not via the webmail feature.

I also don't get a lot of the email people send me, but I just got about 10 new emails, 3 or 4 of which were gmail invites.

Apparently people did send me invites, but CoolGirlMPK got me one before I saw all these new/old emails, so thanks CoolGirl and everyone else who sent me one.

Sorry about the email thing.


King Cobra

macrumors 603
Mar 2, 2002
I'm giving out 62 Gmail invites.
Current status: No more left.

I might do this all again in the future, but don't bet on it. So search the rest of this thread (pref. the last page and work your way back) for more invites.

Excellent, I got plenty of spanish emails during the invitation period... ¡excelente! :D


macrumors regular
Apr 6, 2004
I have 3 Invites to give out

I wish I had seen this thread before I actually payed money to buy a gmail invite from eBay. In any case, now that I have an account, I have 3 more invites to go to the first 3 people to PM me with their e-mail addresses.


macrumors member
Mar 24, 2003
San Diego, CA

I've got 6 Gmail invites that I have nothing to do with. PM me if you want one. First come, first served.

Edit: I gave them all out. Will post again when I get more.


macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2004
I still have 4 more gmail invites to give out...and I found that I can get the invites to people much faster if they IM me rather than PM me...I need to get in the habit of checking my PM's lol


macrumors 68000
Have GMail, so now what?

Referencing the "Bored at Work" thread, I was combing through Craigslist and hit on a fresh post for four absolutely free, no strings attached, help yourself GMail invites (the post disappeared within 15 minutes). I emailed the guy and got an invitation, which I activated last night.

So now what?

Other than geek prestige while it is still in Beta testing, for what are folks actually using their GMail accounts? Replacements for spam-fried addresses, more storage, independence from ISP-related emails?

Just curious... Did we all want a GMail addy just because everyone else wanted one and not everyone could get one immediately? The lure of getting our hands on a reasonable screen name and not something like

Yes, it's cool, and yes, it's Google. But, why?


macrumors 6502a
Jul 17, 2004
St. Louis
FoxyKaye I use mine for forum thread subscriptions because of the way it organizes messages. I'll also use it to email large files to myself.


macrumors newbie
Aug 8, 2004
UGH! Well, I almost got rid of *all* the invites...but they seem to have re-stocked me =/ I have free to IM or PM me for one if you need one =P
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