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macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
well because it was displayed incorrectly for all previous versions of iOS ... I thought they would have stayed consistant. :rolleyes:
Meaning because they had the 0 issue then when they would fix it they would have broken the ':' display issue by removing it? Or you are saying it was somehow incorrect of them to display ':' to begin with?

Antoni Nygaard

macrumors 6502a
Jun 23, 2009
You can view ALL pics/vids of an SMS thread now from within that SMS thread right? If so, can you delete any of the content there? My wife is horrible about sending videos and not deleting any of the SMS threads so her SMS.DB stays in the GB's.

Yes hold down the finger on one attachment and press more select alle the attachments and press delete


macrumors regular
Apr 24, 2014
Did not saw this one on the list. Sorry if I overlooked.

App Store:
In search tab it now shows a list of trending searches from the country of the store you logged in. (I haven't seen this feature before).


macrumors 6502a
Sep 19, 2012
Only read the last few pages of the topic, so no idea if mentioned during the beta phase. But in camera when you enable the exposure lock. There's a slider to adjust brightness now.


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
It did for me back on iOS 7. Can't check now as on iOS 8 now or I'd get a screenshot.
Just tried it earlier with iPhone 5 that still has iOS 7 and it's not there. Are you sure you are talking about a list of trending searched that automatically is present on the search screen right when you go there vs perhaps a line of related searchers that appears at the top once you performed a search (which came around iOS 7.1)?


Apr 24, 2010
Dublin, Ireland
iOS 8, All The Little Things! [Features Discovered in iOS 8]

Just tried it earlier with iPhone 5 that still has iOS 7 and it's not there. Are you sure you are talking about a list of trending searched that automatically is present on the search screen right when you go there vs perhaps a line of related searchers that appears at the top once you performed a search (which came around iOS 7.1)?

Definitely not a list of related apps. It was a random assorted ones. Based on popular apps.

Edit: found it. It's the 'Near Me' feature. Popular apps in your location. Trending in search just seems to be the same thing, essentially.
Last edited:


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Definitely not a list of related apps. It was a random assorted ones. Based on popular apps.

Edit: found it. It's the 'Near Me' feature. Popular apps in your location. Trending in search just seems to be the same thing, essentially.
I see. This seems to be related in a sense, but somewhat different as it appears on the search tab rather than the near me or explore tab, and seems to have a general list of trending searches not based on location (or at least it works without any location information as I specifically have it off for Apple Store and related services).


macrumors Sandy Bridge
Oct 17, 2011
Not sure if this has been brought up before (don't recall coming across it), nor if this is by design or perhaps a bug of some sort, but when you are on the Updates tab/screen in the App Store app you used to be able to tap on the icon of the app for which there's an update and that would take you to the details page of that app, which doesn't seem to happen anymore.

It seems like some sort of activity is still being generated when you tap there as I see a data spinner for a brief moment every time I tap on one of the app icons, but nothing actually happens.


macrumors 6502a
Aug 15, 2007
Hmm everywhere in the world where the 24h format is used (by civilians), a colon is used to separate hours from minutes.

I work in the medical sector and have never seen a colon. I guess because it's military time and that's not exactly the same as 24h time. It looks wrong to me. I work night shift sometimes and if I wake up and my phone says 8:00 I sometimes question if it's 8am or 8pm. If it says 0800 I know it's 8am vs 2000. In the AM times the colon throws me off.
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