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macrumors 6502
Apr 26, 2011
Noooo what? You'd rather have a crap product earlier, and then whine about it here when it's not everything you hoped it would be?? Come on now. Be a little more forward thinking.

I rather have a release date that Apple promises to abide to. 2014 released date? no problem, as long as you stick to it.

Just imagine if iTunes was delayed 6 times. Right, so that's my feeling after 1 delay. Some people have a tolerance to 1 delay, I don't.


macrumors regular
Nov 15, 2010
it says iTunes11 or later is required? :eek:



macrumors newbie
Oct 23, 2011
To Bad

It's to bad that we have to wait another month for this but hopefully they can get it right


macrumors 65816
Jan 11, 2006
Clovis, CA
I'm not surprised by the delay, 10.7 caused a lot of problems for people. There are multiple discussions on Apple's forums about problems upgrading, choppy framerates on all video content where previously there was no problem, black screens, and more. Hopefully they're taking the time to clear up the bugs.

Having 10.7 and 11 so close to one another in terms of release dates must have put a lot of pressure on them.


macrumors regular
Oct 14, 2009
Phoenix, AZ
Damn. So I won't be able to play my music until the end of November??? Oh.... wait.... my music will still play regardless of this. Phew! :rolleyes:


macrumors 68020
Jul 8, 2006
Good. May Apple make this a great product out of the gate with the delay rather than a buggy one in a scheduled timeframe.


macrumors G3
Feb 13, 2012
Perth, Western Australia
No point in fretting about. What's done is done and what will happ, will happen. Enjoy the ride or jump ship.

This. It is still early days yet. Cook has had a year to settle in, figure out who works together and how they operate, and has started to clean house.

I'm keen to see how the UI stuff goes with Ive, I really like his attitude towards the hardware design, here's hoping it translates to software.


macrumors 6502
Sep 1, 2010
Ha. Who cares.

iTunes has never been slick and fast, and it never will. Apple does not know how to make software.

Dramatically simpler and cleaner interface. Just like iOS, that means less control for the end user. Enjoy, children.

You sound like a real pro. Just for casual use, I have never felt my iTunes slow since I installed a SSD, and my library is about 130G, nothing monster.
Btw, I never felt current or previous iTunes give users a full spectrum of control functions anyway. Maybe a pro manually set sound balance for every song. But most people simply don't care and don't have the time for things like that.


Oct 3, 2012
I firmly believe that they're saying that because they're not done coding it.
Someone got lazy here and T Cook probably stopped by and said "hey you guys are almost done with iTunes right?" and they were like "uh, there's some bugs we have to work out before it can be released, don't want another maps app do we?"


macrumors G5
Jul 29, 2011
Somewhere Back In The Long Ago

An Apple spokesperson says iTunes 11 will be late and should ship by the end of November, according to a report from CNET. The software had been expected by the end of October.

This follows recent analysis of Apple's recent executive reorganization moves suggesting that the company had been burned by schedule-driven software releases recently, and could move to a more ship-when-it's-done strategy.
iTunes 11 is expected to bring a complete overhaul to the user interface of the iTunes app itself and the iTunes Store.

Article Link: iTunes 11 Delayed, Will Arrive By End of November

I would much prefer to wait for the finished article, especially with the current mess that is Itunes at present. Look at the mess that is Maps, the departure of Forstall, and lets hope that Apple really have a "Ship when it's done" rather than a "Ship out the garbage" policy to new software updates.


macrumors newbie
Oct 30, 2012
این شرکت apple هم مسخرش رو در اورده، این بازیا چیه، لااقل itunes 11 نمیده گزاشته واسه november میتونست itunes 11 beta رو همین الان بده بیرون، که ما تستش کنیم

وای خدا چند روز دیگه دارم ipodtouch 3rd gen م رو میفروشم تا ipod touch 4g با صفحه 4" و رم 512MB بخرم
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