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macrumors 6502
Jan 3, 2008
I have had all sorts of problems with my 128 6+, but fortunately this has not been one of them.


macrumors member
Nov 4, 2014
Happened to my iPhone 6, 64GB. Not too many apps.

First symptom was blue screen, followed by boot cycle. Occasionally a red screen too.

Returned to the store. They didn't seem to have experienced many cases, but were happy to swap it for another unit (when one came into stock).


macrumors G3
Oct 18, 2011
I have the 6 Plus 128 GB and I'm not affected by this yet. Have not even crashed nor didn't go into boot loop yet.


macrumors newbie
Sep 19, 2014
No issue here

I have both iPhone 6 and iPhone 6 Plus 128GB space grey models. Both with 213 apps installed. No boot loop or crash issue.


macrumors regular
Sep 9, 2014
Tucson, AZ
What about the iPhone antenna issue?

I was concerned about this issue when I purchased my 6+, but I've had as good if not better reception with the phone than I do with my 5S. (on Verizon). Of course, the Apple salesperson had not heard of the issue. No dropped calls at all.

Though my iPhone 6+ is 64GB, I've had not problems with crashing, booting, freezing...etc. It has been a stable phone for me.


macrumors 68040
Jan 28, 2008
Vancouver, BC
I've inly ever paid $1000 for a phone three times in my life
IPhone 3GS
IPhone 4s
iPhone 6

iPhone 4s was my best experience. So far iphone 6 is underwhelming.


macrumors 68000
Nov 29, 2009
128GB owner here, never have had this issue.

Is it not more reasonable to assume this is an isolated issue to select iPhone 6 models? A bad batch of NAND flash?

But nowadays any problem on MacRumors ends in a Gate..:rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Oct 28, 2008
No problems yet outside of buggy iOS software... well I think it's more specifically the Swiftkey keyboard (it's not great with iOS 8 so far).
iOS 8.1 has been okay so far.


macrumors G3
Jun 11, 2008
Los Angeles, CA
No problems here. I have about only 1.5GB of free space on my 128GB

You also likely don't have a 500+ app library on your device.

Before anyone can say it's hardware we need to see models with smaller app libraries than that having identical issues down to the error logs. We also need to see that no smaller model phone with a 500+ library is having such concerns (and yes if is possible to put that many apps on a 64gb device if you have basically nothing else)

It's likely a software issue caused by the number of apps and we are only seeing it on this large device cause only those users insist on having such a big collection of stuff

It also wouldn't hurt to see what apps they are putting on their phones and what they are using most frequently and how crashy in general those apps are


macrumors G5
Oct 14, 2005
This is quite bad. Apart from being destructive to Apple, I think this shows that Apple is not so serious about its iOS when compared to when Steve Jobs was at the helm of the company.
Like others have said, this appears to be a hardware issue, and one would have to be blatantly ignorant of the numerous hardware issues Apple experienced under the reign of Steve Jobs to try and use his name as a positive reference in that regard.


macrumors regular
Sep 12, 2014
No issues so far with my 6 Plus 128GB. Been running great since I got it September 24.

I set it up as a new phone, rather than restoring from the old phone's backup.


macrumors newbie
Nov 17, 2009
New York
It's happened twice to me. I noticed it happened once when I was on a phone call. The phone shut off, screen showed Apple logo booted up again and took me back to the phone call screen. Second time I was receiving a call while charging the phone. When I unplugged the charger bam boot screen. Thankfully there is awareness about this issue. Now lets get it fixed.


macrumors 68030
Jan 9, 2007
This. First it was the bending issue that a whopping 9 customers reported, then the 8.0.1 update which impacted fewer than 40,000 of the 10+ million iPhone 6s out there at the time and now this. Funny how MR has been at the forefront of fanning the flames of hysteria each and every time...

It's a lot more than 9 now. There's over 300 documented cases on the internet, which is still a very small percentage - but no way of knowing how many more have had the issue but not talked about it on the internet.


macrumors 6502a
May 18, 2006
iPhone 6 issues, but I don't run up against the memory capacity


macrumors 68040
Oct 25, 2004
Yeah, I've been having similar problems on my 6 Plus.

e.g. Control Centre not working in lock mode after X minutes of sleep; Battery only lasting around 8 hours max; Touch ID is more sensitive and not working as well as my 5S;

Those issues are similar to a reboot loop?


macrumors 601
Feb 12, 2010
It does sound like something in your iPhone 5s backup isn't playing well with your new Plus. As awful as it sounds, I would recommend setting up your new fabulous phone like a new phone and manually adding your apps back.

I found this under "This solved my problem" by following the link attached. Clearly this is not really a problem.


macrumors 68040
Dec 12, 2011
South Carolina, United States
This is quite bad. Apart from being destructive to Apple, I think this shows that Apple is not so serious about its iOS when compared to when Steve Jobs was at the helm of the company.

1. This article says it is likely a hardware issue. iOS is software
2. OS X Leopard had it's share of crazy bugs during the Steve Jobs era before snow leopard came to save to day.
3. MobileMe problems (Not fully software related)
4.iPhone 4 Antenna Issue (hardware issue) and Steve Jobs' famous quote, "Maybe you're holding it wrong."
5. Safari :p (now better than when it was in the Steve Jobs era)

Don't praising Jobs too much. Yes, he was a great innovator but even under his control, Apple still had some slip ups.


macrumors 6502
Jul 25, 2010
I doubt the widespreadness of this issue. The so-called bendgate also started with a few complaints from MacRumors. They just like to sensationalize anything Apple, like all the news media do.


macrumors 65816
Aug 6, 2008
St. Louis
The TLC in the 840 EVO did not have a read issue.

The problem was a bug in the 840 EVO firmware, which has already been fixed.

Why would the 840 EVO's bug even be brought up for this story?

Also, the iPad has had 128 GB for a while, now. Suddenly it is inferior on the iPhone?


macrumors 6502
Dec 19, 2012
have a 128GB 6 but it's only about 1/2 full and it's mostly music, pics, and vids -- very few (relatively speaking) apps:

Songs: 2,708
Videos: 220
Photos: 5,199
Apps: 63
Capacity: 114GB
Available: 57.7

...I go thru phases where I'll try out a bunch of apps and then will weed out ones I don't use/like. Next time I go thru that kind of phase, I'll keep an eye on this.
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