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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2009
New York, USA
Edit: See Post #4 & #6 for fix.

Does anyone have a artist that refuses to load in iTunes "Purchased" section?

For me it's Coldplay, I've tried everything including a DFU restore of iOS 6.

Sits like this forever:
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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2009
New York, USA
If its the iTunes App, than yeah it counts.

Have anything still running iOS 5? Everything loads just fine on my iOS 5.x stuff (also loads normally on computer versions of iTunes).


macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2009
New York, USA
The problem was a video with a bad thumbnail (or metadata) that either Apple or the music company's broke by screwing around with albums. The original album was removed and replaced with a identical copy on Apple's content servers. In the process they broke one of the old tracks, a video.

Broken album info:
Item: Prospekt's March (Bonus Video Version)
ID: id296910095

And what it was replaced with:
Item: Prospekt's March (Bonus Video Version)
ID: id385861818

The fix was to open OS X iTunes, go into "Purchased", make sure it is set on list view (Album view would throw up the Error*), and then hide that single video. If anyone has purchased Prospekt's March by Coldplay and can't get that artist to load in "Purchased", you now have a possible fix.
*Error: "failureType5002 customerMessageAn unknown error has occurred"

Now to figure out why iTunes Plus tracks are showing as DRM'd if downloaded in iOS 6 (can't load them into GarageBand, iMovie or any of the ringtone apps). :rolleyes:


macrumors 6502a
Nov 13, 2012
Yes. I have a band with 54 tracks. It hangs on that screen all the time. I have tried everything under the sun. Must be an IOS or iTunes app bug. Same thing happens when I choose All Songs.

I don't use a Mac, any ideas for a PC user?


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macrumors 6502a
Original poster
Sep 13, 2009
New York, USA
Your going to have to find which track('s) are screwed up and then hide them.

This will only work if it's the same bug I was having (so no promises);
  1. Grab the latest PC version of iTunes
  2. Go to the iTunes Store
  3. Click Purchased (on the right hand side)
  4. Click the Artist that won't load
  5. Switch to Album view
  6. Click Through Each Album to get a track list (when you find the broken one, it will give you a error instead of loading)
    • Now you know which Album('s) are broken
  7. Switch back to song view and Hide a song from the broken Album
  8. Now switch back to Album view and check if the error still appears
  9. Repeat steps 7 & 8 until the error doesn't come up anymore
    • Now you should be reasonably sure which Track('s) are causing the error
  10. Unhide all your hidden tracks
  11. Hide the tracks that your investigation showed to cause errors for last time
  12. Check if everything works in Album view for the last time (if not do steps 7, 8, 10 & 11 again)

EDIT: If there's a video in a broken Album, try hiding that first, it might save some time.
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