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ipad pro 9.7

  1. ThatSomeone

    iPad 60FPS in GTA: LCS on the new 9.7" iPad Pro?

    Hello everyone! As the title suggests, does Grand Theft Auto: Liberty City Stories run at 60FPS on the new 9.7" iPad Pro? I'm tempted to buy it, but I'd like to know wherever this is supported or not. The description claims that the feature is supported on iPhone 6s, Plus and iPad Pro. But I'm...
  2. P

    iPad Pro 9.7" bluetooth audio disconnect

    Hi all, I purchased an iPad Pro 9.7" on launch day and am thoroughly pleased with it, except for the bluetooth audio performance. It drops the connection to my external speaker after approximately half an hour and requires waking to re-establish the connection. This particular speaker works...
  3. ThatSomeone

    iPad iCloud sync issues after new iPad

    Hello everyone! Yesterday I got a new iPad Pro 9.7" and restored it as usual from my iCloud backup. However, when I view my iCloud settings, the picture representing my iCloud account is an old one? I updated the picture 2 days ago and it successfully updated on all my devices including my old...
  4. F

    iPad Pro Can Anyone Confirm OIS on iPad Pro 9.7 Camera?

    Hi, I've just switched my phone from a 6s+ to an SE, and while I'm in love with the form factor and performance, the one thing I'm really missing is OIS for video. It really does make a dramatic difference. I'm now reading that the new 9.7 iPad Pro may have the same camera module as the 6s+...
  5. SunshineFires

    Who here uses both an iPad mini and an iPad Pro 9.7/iPad Air?

    Reason I'm asking is because I currently own an iPad mini 2 and kind of miss the full size iPad experience. But I'm not sure if it's practical to invest in an iPad Pro 9.7 without making my mini redundant. Would love to hear from those who use both on a daily basis. Mods, could you help to...
  6. R

    Macbook Pro? Retina Macbook? Both?

    I'm undecided on what device/devices to buy. My usage entails small gaming, browsing, basic document editting, presentation design, emails, ebay selling, music/video streaming/downloading, photo storage and organising and eventually dabbling/learning in some basic programming (as a hobby). I...
  7. Rapmastac1

    iPad iPad Pro 9.7 Cases Thread

    So I figured I would get the ball rolling. There aren't very many cases available yet. A quick search on Amazon yields a lot of results of iPad Air 3/Pro cases but they are in fact exactly the same as the iPad Air 2 cases. This means they don't have the proper speaker cutouts, and any cases...